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Coordinator Configurator

Mikayla edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 16 revisions

Coordinator Configurator Tool

The coordinator configurator tool can be brought up any time from the terminal by running configure on a coordinator. It will automatically come up if there is no valid configuration present, as shown in the first screenshot below.

General Tips:

  • You can paste values into number/text fields
  • You can navigate around with tab and shift+tab (and arrow keys where applicable)
  • You can ctrl+a or double click number/text fields to select all
  • When configuring the system, fields will be pre-filled with any valid existing configuration data
  • You will be shown a summary of settings before any are saved

This page is a work in progress. Some screenshots are for UNRELEASED FEATURES (temperature scale)

Table of Contents

  1. Main Menu
  2. Change Log
  3. View Configuration
  4. Import Legacy config.lua
  5. Configure System
    1. Network Configuration
    2. Facility Configuration
    3. Monitor Configuration
    4. Coordinator UI Configuration
    5. Logging Configuration
    6. Apply the Configuration

Main Menu

Below are two examples of the main menu. If the configurator is started by the coordinator app itself due to a lack of configuration, the red warning text in the first example will be present. If a configuration is present, the view option will be enabled (unlike in the first example).

If a legacy config.lua file is present, the import option will be shown as seen below.

image image

The coordinator app can also detect some monitor misconfigurations. If it does, it will launch the configurator and include a message within the red text, like below.


Change Log

There is an embedded configuration file change log that will show what fields have been changed, added, or removed. This will help you figure out why a previously valid configuration may no longer be valid.

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