a launcher for MiniCraft+ and some other variants of the game. Not Minecraft related.
Everything that the launcher downloads is in <user folder>/Documents/MajickTek/minilauncher
. If your user folder doesn't have a Documents folder inside it for some reaason, it'll make one.
On *NIX systems including macOS (probably) you should be able to find the right folder by navigating to ~\Documents\MajickTek
. On Windows this would be C:/Users/%username%/Documents/MajickTek
As of now, the current minimum version of the launcher you should use is Pre Release 4
. This version bumbs the minimum JRE version to 1.8 to make it more accessible (this may change in the future if necessary). Earlier versions require JRE 16 or newer.
- Load versions from /MiniCraftLauncherIndex
- Double-click to download a version
- Double-click already downloaded version to launch it
- The launcher keeps track of downloaded versions on restart
- Under the Edit menu, go into the Select Channel submenu to switch between Release, Pre-Release, and Mod channels.
- Insert/Add version profiles. These cannot be saved at the moment. GUI Options accessible via the Edit menu.
When a channel is selected, it downloads a .index
file from https://github.com/MajickTek/MiniCraftLauncherIndex.
Inside this file is a list of versions, and the format is like this:
<index> = <SemanticVersion>,<url>
The SemanticVersion is often planted in the URL somewhere if the url contains the string $version
- Add menu to open launcher folder
- Add "cleaning" functionality (delete downloaded index files, jar files, and/or game folders)
- Add config file to load the indexes (so they aren't hardcoded and the user can make their own)
- (Future) Allow self-updating via GitHub Releases