后来发现,加密只是为了业务服务器和客户端之间通信的安全,为了简便起见,对目前来说没有必要,现在可以把rawData(包括用户昵称,用户身份等信息)直接发到服务器上面去, 由青鸟翰直接存入数据库,然后返回给客户端openid(作为和服务器交换数据的用户标识),之后每个用户请求的时候带上openid即可。和服务器数据交换细节见交接。
- 连续7天查天气,额外奖励20 coin;连续28天查天气,额外奖励100 coin
- 连续7天签到, 额外奖励20 coin;连续28天签到,额外奖励100 coin
- 连续7天记录心情, 额外奖励20 coin;连续28天记录心情,额外奖励100 coin
- 以上均为(连续天数%7 == 0 && 连续天数%28 != 0)时额外奖励20 coin;(连续天数%28 == 0)时,额外奖励100 coin
Object, Array, string, int, double, string
这六种类型。 -
可以为六种类型中的任意一种。 -
表示一个Array,数组中的元素可以为六种类型中的任意一种。 -
- true 或 false,为boolean。
- 不为true和false,有小数点,为double。
- 不为true和false,无小数点,为int。
"code": "013VSxwK1xExW70pcryK10EJwK1VSxw6",
"latitude": 10.3434,
"longitude": 33.3435
status: "OK"
registered: true,
openid: "asdfasf"
openid: "asdfasdfsad",
rawData: "{\"nickName\":\"hazelnut\",
Tel: "15202345235", //取消
status: "OK"
openid: "asdfasfsfas",
latitude: 10.3434,
longitude: 33.3435
"venue":"Fudan University",
"longitude": 123.324,
"latitude": 50
"venue":"lsh's dormitory",
"longitude": 123.43535,
"latitude": 50.334
- 由于现在获取附近poi改为由前端获取,服务器没有相应的poi信息,所以签到时需要将poi信息发给后端,包括
这几项。 - 现在用户签到数据会存入本地缓存,但是存在的问题是,当后端返回签到失败时,前端仍然将签到数据存入缓存,而服务器确实没有签到成功,数据库里没有签到信息。
POI_id: "1",
POI_info: {
venue: "Fudan University",
latitude: 12.3, //poi所在纬度
longitude: 55.4, //poi所在经度
province: "上海市",
city: "上海市",
district: "黄浦区"
created_by_user: false,
openid: "haasdfasf",
latitude: 10.43535, //用户所在纬度
longitude: 54.454, //用户所在经度
text: "老板最帅!!!"
"status": "OK",
"date": "2017-11-21",
"time": "19:31:59",
"award": 21, //本次签到所获得的奖励分数,20+1
"scores": 27, //加上本次奖励后,用户的总得分。7(每天签到一次,共7天)+20(连续签到7天奖励,第1次)
"duration": 7, //用户连续签到的天数
"bonus_7": 20, //当duration%7==0时,bonus_7为连续7天签到的奖励分数,否则为0
"bonus_28": 0 //当duration%28==0时,bonus_28为连续28天签到的奖励分数,否则为0
openid: "agdsg1sdg",
latitude: 10.43535,
longitude: 54.454,
location: "北京" //该参数用于查询其他城市天气,如果没有此参数则按经纬度查询。
"status": "OK",
"now": {
"cloud": "0",
"cond_code": "101",
"cond_txt": "多云",
"fl": "16",
"hum": "73",
"pcpn": "0",
"pres": "1024",
"tmp": "14",
"vis": "7",
"wind_deg": "83",
"wind_dir": "东风",
"wind_sc": "微风",
"wind_spd": "7"
"brf": "舒适",
"txt": "今天夜间不太热也不太冷,风力不大,相信您在这样的天气条件下,应会感到比较清爽和舒适。",
"type": "comf" //只需要type为comf的,也就是官方api列表中的第一个。
"forecast": [
"cond_code_d": "103",
"cond_code_n": "100",
"cond_txt_d": "晴间多云",
"cond_txt_n": "晴",
"date": "2017-10-31",
"hum": "59",
"pcpn": "0.0",
"pop": "0",
"pres": "1025",
"tmp_max": "18",
"tmp_min": "10",
"uv_index": "5",
"vis": "16",
"wind_deg": "166",
"wind_dir": "东南风",
"wind_sc": "微风",
"wind_spd": "6"
"cond_code_d": "101",
"cond_code_n": "101",
"cond_txt_d": "多云",
"cond_txt_n": "多云",
"date": "2017-11-01",
"hum": "61",
"pcpn": "0.0",
"pop": "0",
"pres": "1021",
"tmp_max": "22",
"tmp_min": "11",
"uv_index": "5",
"vis": "20",
"wind_deg": "114",
"wind_dir": "东南风",
"wind_sc": "微风",
"wind_spd": "7"
"cond_code_d": "101",
"cond_code_n": "101",
"cond_txt_d": "多云",
"cond_txt_n": "多云",
"date": "2017-11-02",
"hum": "68",
"pcpn": "0.0",
"pop": "2",
"pres": "1019",
"tmp_max": "22",
"tmp_min": "12",
"uv_index": "5",
"vis": "20",
"wind_deg": "296",
"wind_dir": "西北风",
"wind_sc": "微风",
"wind_spd": "3"
"air": {
"aqi": "19",
"co": "0",
"main": "",
"no2": "34",
"o3": "31",
"pm10": "18",
"pm25": "8",
"pub_time": "2017-11-07 22:00",
"qlty": "优",
"so2": "2"
"basic": {
"cid": "CN101020600",
"location": "浦东新区",
"parent_city": "上海",
"admin_area": "上海",
"cnty": "中国",
"lat": "31.24594307",
"lon": "121.56770325",
"tz": "+8.0"
"award": {
"award": 101, //本次查天气所获得的奖励分数
"scores": 188, //加上本次奖励后,用户的总得分。28*1(每天查天气一次,共28天)+20*3(每连续7天奖励一次,共3次)+100(连续查天气28天奖励,第一次)
"duration": 28, //用户连续查天气的天数
"bonus_7": 0, //当duration%7==0时,bonus_7为连续7天查天气的奖励分数,否则为0
"bonus_28": 100 //当duration%28==0时,bonus_28为连续28天查天气的奖励分数,否则为0
现在获取历史签到记录改为由前端直接从本地缓存获取,但是为了防止缓存丢失,向服务器获取签到记录这一功能仍然应该保留。 前端可以通过以下几种方式来防止缓存丢失、被修改、与服务器数据库不一致的情况:
- 如果能获得用户的设备号,当用户更换设备时应向服务器获取历史记录。
- 设定一个固定的时间点向服务器获取记录,如每天第一次登录时。
openid: "agdsg1sdg"
"status": "OK",
"checkin_num": 3,
"checkins": [
"POI_id": "1124235",
"venue": "Fudan University",
"datetime": "2017-07-01 08:08:08",
"category": "school",
"latitude": 23.123,
"longitude": 123.123,
"POI_id": "23242",
"venue": "Peking University",
"datetime": "2017-07-02 08:08:08",
"category": "school",
"latitude": 43.123,
"longitude": 123.123,
"POI_id": "3432423",
"venue": "Peking University",
"datetime": "2017-08-16 10:10:10",
"category": "school",
"latitude": 43.123,
"longitude": 123.123,
目前获取二维码的方式是采用微信小程序官方文档的接口B。 前端获取二维码分成以下两步:
- 前端发送POST请求给服务器,POST的参数按照官方文档接口B的描述填写,服务器向微信获取二维码,并把二维码图片保存在服务器上,然后向前端返回图片的url。
- 前端用GET的方式即可向服务器获取二维码图片。
scene: "lsh",
path: "pages/index/index",
width: 430,
auto_color: false,
line_color: {
status: "OK",
url: "https://40525433.fudan-mini-program.com/Files/QRCode1507377585.jpeg"
POI_id: "1234",
user_num: 10 //查看最近在这里签到的用户数
"status": "OK",
"user_num": 3, //不一定与请求的user_num相等
"users": [
"datetime":"2017-07-01 08:08:08",
"datetime":"2017-06-01 08:08:08",
"datetime":"2017-05-01 08:08:08",
"mood_id":1, //心情类型(1-7)
"mood_text":"狂喜", //心情类型对应的文字
"latitude":10.43535, //用户所在纬度
"longitude":54.454 //用户所在经度
"status": "OK",
"date": "2017-11-21",
"time": "19:31:59",
"award": 1, //本次记录心情所获得的奖励分数
"scores": 3, //加上本次奖励后,用户的总得分
"duration": 2, //用户连续记录心情的天数
"bonus_7": 0, //当duration%7==0时,bonus_7为连续7天记录心情的奖励分数,否则为0
"bonus_28": 0 //当duration%28==0时,bonus_28为连续28天记录心情的奖励分数,否则为0
//1:district, 2:city
"status": "OK",
"area_num": 3, //这个用户在三个行政区签过到
"areas": [
"status": "OK",
"area_num": 2, //这个用户在三个行政区签过到
"areas": [
"status": "OK",
"category_num": 3, //这个用户三个类别签过到
"categories": [
"status": "OK",
"mood_num": 2,
"moods": [
"mood_id": 1,
"datetime": "2017-07-01 08:08:08",
"latitude": 23.123,
"longitude": 123.123
"mood_id": 1,
"datetime": "2016-07-01 08:08:08",
"latitude": 23.123,
"longitude": 123.123
"time_type":1, //时间段
"status": "OK",
"mood_id_num": 3, //这个用户在三个类别的心情签过到
"moods": [
"status": "OK"
"status": "OK",
"place_num": 3, //查询到的n个place,如果签到的不同place小于n,则返回不同的place数目;如果因为并列使得存在多于n个place,则返回全部并列的place。
"places": [ //按签到次数排序
"status": "OK",
"user_num":1, //如果两个用户签到次数相同,则返回“上一次签到时间”(即datetime域)早的用户。
"datetime":"2017-07-01 08:08:08", //这个签到最多的用户,上一次签到的时间。
"check_num":109 //该用户在这个POI签到的次数。
"level":2, //查询的级别,当level=1时,无需query值,接口返回所有1级城市。当level=2时,query指定一个1级城市,接口返回该城市的所有二级辖域。
"query":"上海", //当level=1时,无需该参数。
"in_china":1 //国内or国外,1=国内,0=国外
"status": "OK",
"city_num": 11,
"cities": [
"status": "OK",
"scores": 100,
"duration_checkin": 11,
"duration_weather": 12,
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"pubDate": "Tue, 30 Jan 2018 08:00 PM EST",
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"date": "30 Jan 2018",
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"code": 100,
"date": "31 Jan 2018",
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"text": "Sunny"
"day": "Thu",
"low": "0",
"code": 104,
"date": "01 Feb 2018",
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"text": "Partly Cloudy"
"day": "Fri",
"low": "-2",
"code": 300,
"date": "02 Feb 2018",
"high": "11",
"text": "Rain"
"day": "Sat",
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"code": 104,
"date": "03 Feb 2018",
"high": "4",
"text": "Partly Cloudy"
"day": "Sun",
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"date": "04 Feb 2018",
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"text": "Rain And Snow"
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"date": "05 Feb 2018",
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"text": "Rain And Snow"
"day": "Tue",
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"date": "06 Feb 2018",
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"day": "Wed",
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"date": "07 Feb 2018",
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"date": "08 Feb 2018",
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"date": "Tue, 30 Jan 2018 08:00 PM EST",
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