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Hidden or obscure features

Makkkkus edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 1 revision

On this page, I will attempt to make known all the features in minicraft that you may not have known even existed. :P

Let's start with the menus, and modes. In score mode, you can choose the duration of the game, but there are only a couple settings. You can unlock two more time settings by playing the shortest and longest duration, which I think ae 20 min and 1 hour, and those will unlock 10 min and 2 hour respectively, if you get a high score. The score for the 1 hour game is maybe 10,000; you can get it all at once by beating the air wizard, meaning it's basically a challenge to complete the main game storyline in one hour. The 20 min score is like 2000 or something...

To build a house, there's a couple things you need to do. You have floors, walls, and doors at your disposal, in the wooden and stone varieties. :P there is also an assortment of colored wool you can get you fancy colorful floors. Just make a loom, and then checks the requirements. Wool is from sheep, obviously.

To place down your wood, wool, or stone floors, you first have to dig out any grass, sand, and/or dirt, until you have a hole tile. You do this with a shovel. Once you have your hole, you can place your chosen flooring into it. To put walls and doors, you first have to have a floor of the same material of the wall/door you want to place; then just set it on top of the flooring.

To remove wooden stuff, you should just use an axe, but use a pickaxe for stone, and wood if an axe doesn't work.

Farming is a thing, although it isn't too complicated. Just use a hoe on dirt to make tilled dirt, which you can then place seeds into, which will grow into wheat. Use a hoe on grass to get seeds. Also, if you put water next to the tilled dirt, as in, one tile away, then it will accelerate the growth of the wheat.

However, be careful not to walk on the tilled dirt too much, because if you do, it may turn back into regular dirt. This happens after a pretty random number of steps, so you could walk over one once and have it turn back, while another takes 4 "walk-overs" before it reverts back. This will happen even after you've planted wheat, so watch your step! It's about the number of steps, not the duration, so standing still on it will not make it turn into dirt.

Underground, you may find 5x5 or so tile structures, made of stone bricks and walls, with a strange thing in the center. That thing is a mob spawner, and the mob it spawns (along with the level of that mob) is specified by its color scheme. You may destroy the mob spawner with a pickaxe if you like, but you'll get nothing for it, and it'll be gone forever. :P Mobs spawn randomly around the map regardless though, so you'll only be missing a potential mob farm. :D
Also, if you're lucky, there will be a chest inside the stone area, with a random assortment of awesome goodies. If you're super lucky, you'll get two chests.

You may end up with a number of copies of "Antidious". This is actually a book, which you can read with the ATTACK control (confusing, sorry). Read and enjoy.

In the sky, you'll find what looks like white ore, this is "cloud ore" and it’s only purpose to be mined and crafted into Totems of either Air or Wind. These can respawn the Air Wizard of the corresponding Totem color.