ffmpeg -i LorenzAttractor.mp4 -vf "fps=30,scale=-1:720:flags=lanczos" -c:v gif LorenzAttractor720p30fps.gif*
ffmpeg -i LorenzAttractor.mp4 -vf "fps=30,scale=-1:1080:flags=lanczos" -c:v gif LorenzAttractor1080p30fps.gif*
Here are some things I want to create from easy to hard
- To-Do List
- Add, view, remove, and complete tasks
- Exit
- Calculator
- Basic operations
- Unit conversion
- Mode switching
- Exit
- Magic 8-Ball
- Random response generator
- User input
- ASCII art
Here are some things I want to finish
- Manim: wave merge
- Render waves
- Make 3D
- Manim: fractals (Koch snowflake)