- Assuming you have cloned the repository
- Install angular cli using: npm install -g @angular/cli
- Move to "front-end" directory
- Run the command "npm i"
- Once the relecant packages have been downloaded successfully, run the following command:
- ng serve --port 4200
- Assuming you have cloned the repository
- Open the "backend" folder using netbeans
- Clean and build project
- Right click on Main Class : "" and then click on run file.
- Java version : 8
1- Backend webservice should use spring
2- Front End can use Angular / React preferely with TypeScript or you can expose APIs using swagger
3- use H2 in memory database for ease of testing
4- List page should have paging
5- first_name and last_name should be not be null and more than 2 chars each
6- validate that salary is greater than 0
7- validate phone_number contain only digits and dashs