parses and evaluates Blast results for phylogenetic analyses. Run it with -h
or --help
for more information.
To begin, run --init
to initialise the folder structure. Create one fasta file in fastas/
for each sequence you want to have analysed. I suggest to run blast on some server (e.g. Stallo). Update nr
to the latest version and run blast with the following script (adjust accordingly for multiple files):
$threads=16 # probably adjust this value depending on the server
blastp -db $db -query $fn -out ${fn%.fasta}.xml -outfmt 5 -max_target_seqs 20000 -evalue 1 -num_threads $threads
Move the resulting xml files to the folder blastresults/
Run --all
and examine the results. Especially proteinlist.txt
must be changed according to your proteins.
visualizes phylogenetic trees in Newick format. Run it with -h
or --help
for more information.