Contains Supplementary Tables (S1, S2, S3, and S4) and data associated with the "GEMCAT - A new algorithm for gene expression-based prediction of metabolic alterations" manuscript. BioRxiv link
The repository contains the following:
- data: This folder contains data corresponding to measured and predicted changes.
- jupyter_notebooks: This folder contains jupyter notebooks to perform calculations and reproduce results from the manuscript
- Supplementary Table S1
- Supplementary Table S2
- Supplementary Table S3
- Supplementary Table S4
- Supplementary Table Errormetrics (Figure 3 and Figure S4) for rats
- Supplementary Table Metabolite accuracy (Figure 3b) for rats
- Supplementary Table Metabolite accuracy (Figure S3) for rats
- LICENSE: A GPL 3.0 license
- README: A markdown file
Here's how to access the data:
Install Git LFS:
- Ensure you have Git LFS installed on your system. You can find installation instructions on the official website:
- In the cloned repository directory, run the command
git lfs pull
This command will download the actual data for all the pointer files present in your repository, including the one you mentioned. Once you run git lfs pull, the data file will be downloaded to its designated location, and you should be able to access its content.