Pluggable fully-featured file-management module for Vue + Express.
Import the Express injectable into your ExpressJS project:
See src/files.js for a full list of.
import FileBrowser from '@momsfriendlydevco/vue-file-browser/backend';
// Initalize `app` somehow - `const app = express()` usually
// Inject the FileBrowser backend
app, // Pass on the Express style app for decoration
// Read in config from .env / Vite env or specify defaults
rootPath: app.config.FILES_ROOT,
thumbsPath: app.config.FILES_THUMBS_ROOT,
glob: (app.config.FILES_GLOB ?? '**/*.{gif,jpg,jpeg,png,webp} | **/.gander.json').split(/\s*\|\s*/),
meta: app.config.FILES_META ?? '.gander.json',
// ...see ./src/files.js for full options list
Include the Vue component in your frontend wrapper code:
See src/files.vue for a full list of.
import FileBrowser from '@momsfriendlydevco/vue-file-browser/frontend';
export default {
components: {
// Injectable FileBrowser frontend component
list: '/api/files',