Datastructure problems
merge sort buble sort insertion sort
1.UnOrdered List Desc -> Read the Text from a file, split it into words and arrange it as Linked List. Take a user input to search a Word in the List. If the Word is not found then add it to the list, and if it found then remove the word from the List. In the end save the list into a file I/P -> Read from file the list of Words and take user input to search a Text Logic -> Create a Unordered Linked List. The Basic Building Block is the Node Object. Each node object must hold at least two pieces of information. One ref to the data field and second the ref to the next node object. O/P -> The List of Words to a File.
2.Ordered List Desc -> Read .a List of Numbers from a file and arrange it ascending Order in a Linked List. Take user input for a number, if found then pop the number out of the list else insert the number in appropriate position I/P -> Read from file the list of Numbers and take user input for a new number Logic -> Create a Ordered Linked List having Numbers in ascending order. O/P -> The List of Numbers to a File.
3.Simple Balanced Parentheses Desc -> Take an Arithmetic Expression such as (5+6)∗(7+8)/(4+3)(5+6)∗(7+8)/(4+3) where parentheses are used to order the performance of operations. Ensure parentheses must appear in a balanced fashion. I/P -> read in Arithmetic Expression such as (5+6)∗(7+8)/(4+3)(5+6)∗(7+8)/(4+3) Logic -> Write a Stack Class to push open parenthesis “(“ and pop closed parenthesis “)”. At the End of the Expression if the Stack is Empty then the Arithmetic Expression is Balanced. Stack Class Methods are Stack(), push(), pop(), peak(), isEmpty(), size() O/P -> True or False to Show Arithmetic Expression is balanced or not.
4.Simulate Banking Cash Counter Desc -> Create a Program which creates Banking Cash Counter where people come in to deposit Cash and withdraw Cash. Have an input panel to add people to Queue to either deposit or withdraw money and dequeue the people. Maintain the Cash Balance. I/P -> Panel to add People to Queue to Deposit or Withdraw Money and dequeue Logic -> Write a Queue Class to enqueue and dequeue people to either deposit or withdraw money and maintain the cash balance O/P -> True or False to Show Arithmetic Expression is balanced or not.
5.Palindrome-Checker Desc -> A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward, for example, radar, toot, and madam. We would like to construct an algorithm to input a string of characters and check whether it is a palindrome. I/P -> Take a String as an Input Logic -> The solution to this problem will use a deque to store the characters of the string. We will process the string from left to right and add each character to the rear of the deque. O/P -> True or False to Show if the String is Palindrome or not.