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This repository contains an example of how to analyze microarrays data using bioconductor.

It is based on a Chapter on Microarray Data Analysis, written by Ricardo Gonzalo and myself, published in the book "Microarray Bioinformatics" edited by V. Bolon and Canedo in 2019.

The original RMarkdown document was intended to create a Word document, which was something required by the journal. This is no so anymore -who might want to create anything in Word? Right now there are two -almost identical- Rmarkdown and html files

  • File(s) "Case_Study_1-Microarrays_Analysis.*" generate a nicer html document but where cross-references to figures and tables don't work
  • File(s) "Case_Study_1-Microarrays_Analysis-Bookdown.*" generate a not-so-clean html document but with cross-references to figures and tables working. As soon as I can make this version look nicer it will be the only one in the site.