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MoonStorm committed Feb 16, 2022
1 parent 0ceac05 commit 7907e11
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Showing 5 changed files with 118 additions and 101 deletions.
42 changes: 26 additions & 16 deletions Dapper.FastCrud.Benchmarks/BenchmarkSteps.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,39 +1,50 @@
using Dapper.FastCrud.Tests.Contexts;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;

namespace Dapper.FastCrud.Benchmarks
namespace Dapper.FastCrud.Benchmarks
using Dapper.FastCrud.Tests.Common;
using Dapper.FastCrud.Tests.Contexts;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;

public sealed class BenchmarkSteps
private readonly DatabaseTestContext _testContext;
private static readonly Regex _benchmarkHeaderRegex = new Regex($@"(?<=#+\s*?Automatic Benchmark Report)[^{Environment.NewLine}]*", RegexOptions.Singleline| RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex _newEntryInsertRegex = new Regex($@"(?<=\|\s*\<a name=""new_entry_marker""\/\>\s*\|\s*){Environment.NewLine}", RegexOptions.Singleline|RegexOptions.Compiled);

public BenchmarkSteps(DatabaseTestContext testContext)
_testContext = testContext;

public static void BenchmarksSetup()
Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High;
Assert.That(Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass, Is.EqualTo(ProcessPriorityClass.High));

[When(@"I report the stopwatch value for (.*) finished processing (.*) operations of type (.*)")]
public void WhenIReportTheStopwatchValueFor(string ormType, int opCount, string operation)
Trace.WriteLine($"Stopwatch reported: {_testContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:0,0.00} milliseconds for {ormType}");
var elapsedTime = _testContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed;
Trace.WriteLine($"Stopwatch reported: {elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds:0,0.00} milliseconds for {ormType}");

#if !DEBUG
#if !DEBUG
// automatically update the docs
var docsPath = Path.Combine(typeof(BenchmarkSteps).Assembly.GetDirectory(), "../../../../README.MD");
var docsContents = File.ReadAllText(docsPath);

var reportTitle = $"| {ormType} | {operation} | {opCount} |";
var report = $"{reportTitle} {_testContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:0,0.00} | {_testContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000 / opCount:0,0.00} |{Environment.NewLine}";
var report = $"{reportTitle} {elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds:0,0.00} | {elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds * 1000 / opCount:0,0.00} |{Environment.NewLine}";

var benchmarkHeaderRegex = new Regex($@"(?<=#+\s*?Automatic Benchmark Report)[^{Environment.NewLine}]*", RegexOptions.Singleline);
var emptySpaceInsertRegex = new Regex($@"(?<=#+\s*?Automatic Benchmark Report(.*?{Environment.NewLine}){{3,3}})\s*?", RegexOptions.Singleline);
var reportReplaceRegex = new Regex($@"{reportTitle.Replace("|", @"\|")}.*?{Environment.NewLine}", RegexOptions.Singleline);

if (reportReplaceRegex.Match(docsContents).Success)
Expand All @@ -42,14 +53,13 @@ public void WhenIReportTheStopwatchValueFor(string ormType, int opCount, string
docsContents = emptySpaceInsertRegex.Replace(docsContents, report, 1);
docsContents = _newEntryInsertRegex.Replace(docsContents, $@"{Environment.NewLine}{report}", 1);

docsContents = benchmarkHeaderRegex.Replace(docsContents, $" (Last Run: {DateTime.Now:D})", 1);
docsContents = _benchmarkHeaderRegex.Replace(docsContents, $" (Last Run: {DateTime.Now:D})", 1);

File.WriteAllText(docsPath, docsContents);

106 changes: 56 additions & 50 deletions Dapper.FastCrud.Benchmarks/Benchmarks.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Feature: Benchmarks

Scenario Outline: Insert Benchmark
Scenario Outline: Insert benchmark
Given I have initialized a <database type> database
When I start the stopwatch
And I insert <entity count> <entity type> using <orm>
Expand All @@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ Scenario Outline: Insert Benchmark
Then I should have <entity count> <entity type> in the database
And I cleanup the <database type> database
| database type | entity type | entity count | orm |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 30000 | Simple Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 30000 | Dapper Extensions |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 30000 | Fast Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 30000 | Dapper |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 30000 | Entity Framework |
| database type | entity type | entity count | orm |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 10000 | Simple Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 10000 | Dapper Extensions |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 10000 | Fast Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 10000 | Dapper |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 10000 | Entity Framework - single op/call |
# unrealistic
# | Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark entities | 10000 | Entity Framework - batch |

#Scenario Outline: Batch Select No Filter No Warmup Benchmark
# Given I have initialized a <database type> database
Expand All @@ -29,35 +31,32 @@ Scenario Outline: Insert Benchmark
# And I cleanup the <database type> database
# Examples:
# | database type | entity type | entity count | orm |
# | LocalDb | benchmark entities | 20000 | Simple Crud |
# | LocalDb | benchmark entities | 20000 | Dapper Extensions |
# | LocalDb | benchmark entities | 20000 | Fast Crud |
# | LocalDb | benchmark entities | 20000 | Dapper |
# | LocalDb | benchmark entities | 100000 | Simple Crud |
# | LocalDb | benchmark entities | 100000 | Dapper Extensions |
# | LocalDb | benchmark entities | 100000 | Fast Crud |
# | LocalDb | benchmark entities | 100000 | Dapper |

Scenario Outline: Batch Select No Filter
Scenario Outline: Select all
Given I have initialized a <database type> database
When I insert <entity count> <entity type> entities using ADO .NET
And I refresh the database connection
And I start the stopwatch
And I select all the <entity type> entities using <orm>
And I clear all the queried entities
And I select all the <entity type> entities using <orm>
And I clear all the queried entities
And I select all the <entity type> entities using <orm>
And I select all the <entity type> entities using <orm> <op count> times
And I stop the stopwatch
And I report the stopwatch value for <orm> finished processing 3 operations of type select all
And I report the stopwatch value for <orm> finished processing <op count> operations of type select all
Then I should have queried <entity count> <entity type> entities
Then the queried <entity type> entities should be the same as the inserted ones
# already tested for consistency (this takes a long time)
#And the queried <entity type> entities should be shallowly the same as the inserted ones
And I cleanup the <database type> database
| database type | entity type | entity count | orm |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Simple Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Dapper Extensions |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Fast Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Dapper |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Entity Framework |
| database type | entity type | entity count | op count | orm |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10 | 10000 | Simple Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10 | 10000 | Dapper Extensions |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10 | 10000 | Fast Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10 | 10000 | Dapper |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10 | 10000 | Entity Framework |

Scenario Outline: Single Delete Benchmark
Scenario Outline: Delete by id
Given I have initialized a <database type> database
When I insert <entity count> <entity type> entities using ADO .NET
And I refresh the database connection
Expand All @@ -68,14 +67,16 @@ Scenario Outline: Single Delete Benchmark
Then I should have 0 <entity type> entities in the database
And I cleanup the <database type> database
| database type | entity type | entity count | orm |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Simple Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Dapper Extensions |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Fast Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Dapper |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Entity Framework |
| database type | entity type | entity count | orm |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Simple Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Dapper Extensions |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Fast Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Dapper |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Entity Framework - single op/call |
# unrealistic
#| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Entity Framework - batch |

Scenario Outline: Single Select Id Filter Benchmark
Scenario Outline: Select by id
Given I have initialized a <database type> database
When I insert <entity count> <entity type> entities using ADO .NET
And I refresh the database connection
Expand All @@ -84,31 +85,36 @@ Scenario Outline: Single Select Id Filter Benchmark
And I stop the stopwatch
And I report the stopwatch value for <orm> finished processing <entity count> operations of type select by id
Then I should have queried <entity count> <entity type> entities
Then the queried <entity type> entities should be the same as the inserted ones
Then I cleanup the <database type> database
# already tested for consistency (this takes a long time)
#And the queried <entity type> entities should be shallowly the same as the inserted ones
And I cleanup the <database type> database
| database type | entity type | entity count | orm |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Simple Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Dapper Extensions |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Fast Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Dapper |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Entity Framework |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Simple Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Dapper Extensions |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Fast Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Dapper |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Entity Framework |

Scenario Outline: Single Update Benchmark
Scenario Outline: Update by id
Given I have initialized a <database type> database
When I insert <entity count> <entity type> entities using ADO .NET
When I insert <entity count> <entity type> entities using <orm>
And I refresh the database connection
And I start the stopwatch
And I update all the <entity type> entities that I previously inserted using <orm>
And I stop the stopwatch
And I report the stopwatch value for <orm> finished processing <entity count> operations of type update
And I select all the <entity type> entities using Dapper
Then the queried <entity type> entities should be the same as the updated ones
And I select all the <entity type> entities using Dapper 1 times
Then I should have queried <entity count> <entity type> entities
# already tested for consistency (this takes a long time)
#Then the queried <entity type> entities should be shallowly the same as the updated ones
Then I cleanup the <database type> database
| database type | entity type | entity count | orm |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Simple Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Dapper Extensions |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Fast Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Dapper |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 30000 | Entity Framework |
| database type | entity type | entity count | orm |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Simple Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Dapper Extensions |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Fast Crud |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Dapper |
| Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Entity Framework - single op/call |
# | Benchmark LocalDb | benchmark | 10000 | Entity Framework - batch |
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility" Version="3.1.2" />
<PackageReference Include="MySql.Data" Version="8.0.27" />
<PackageReference Include="Npgsql" Version="6.0.2" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="4.2.1" />
<PackageReference Include="SpecFlow.NUnit.Runners" Version="3.9.40" />
<PackageReference Include="SpecFlow.Tools.MsBuild.Generation" Version="3.9.40" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Data.SqlClient" Version="4.8.3" />
Expand Down
68 changes: 34 additions & 34 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Type safety, clean code, less mistakes, more peace of mind, while still being cl
- The following mapping styles are supported:
- Database first (limited to SQL Server)
- Code first, using model data annotations (preferred)
- Fluent validation for POCO objects
- Fluent registration for POCO objects
- Semi-POCO using metadata objects
- Extensibility points are also provided.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,52 +88,52 @@ Type safety, clean code, less mistakes, more peace of mind, while still being cl

#### Speed
Most of us love Dapper for its speed.
Let's have a look at how ``Fast Crud`` performs against other similar libraries out there:
Let's have a look at some of the most popular ORMs out there in terms of speed:

- ``Dapper.SimpleCRUD v2.3.0``
- ``DapperExtensions v1.6.3 ``
- ``Entity Framework Core v6.0.2``

##### Automatic Benchmark Report (Last Run: Sunday, January 03, 2016)
##### Automatic Benchmark Report (Last Run: Wednesday, February 16, 2022)

| Library | Operation | Op Count |Time (ms) | Time/op (μs) |
| <a name="new_entry_marker"/> |
| Dapper | insert | 30000 | 10,016.88 | 333.90 |
| Fast Crud | insert | 30000 | 10,431.64 | 347.72 |
| Dapper Extensions | insert | 30000 | 13,272.40 | 442.41 |
| Simple Crud | insert | 30000 | 19,954.31 | 665.14 |
| Entity Framework | insert | 30000 | 43,636.47 | 1,454.55 |
| Dapper | insert | 10000 | 2,974.40 | 297.44 |
| Fast Crud | insert | 10000 | 3,172.67 | 317.27 |
| Dapper Extensions | insert | 10000 | 3,529.16 | 352.92 |
| Simple Crud | insert | 10000 | 3,110.40 | 311.04 |
| Entity Framework - single op/call | insert | 10000 | 119,784.63 | 11,978.46 |
| Dapper | update | 30000 | 6,439.43 | 214.65 |
| Fast Crud | update | 30000 | 6,668.78 | 222.29 |
| Dapper Extensions | update | 30000 | 8,803.26 | 293.44 |
| Simple Crud | update | 30000 | 10,204.28 | 340.14 |
| Entity Framework | update | 30000 | 39,954.88 | 1,331.83 |
| Dapper | update | 10000 | 3,319.82 | 331.98 |
| Fast Crud | update | 10000 | 3,276.99 | 327.70 |
| Dapper Extensions | update | 10000 | 3,657.30 | 365.73 |
| Simple Crud | update | 10000 | 3,150.76 | 315.08 |
| Entity Framework - single op/call | update | 10000 | 235,678.77 | 23,567.88 |
| Dapper | delete | 30000 | 8,312.94 | 277.10 |
| Fast Crud | delete | 30000 | 8,693.02 | 289.77 |
| Dapper Extensions | delete | 30000 | 10,804.55 | 360.15 |
| Simple Crud | delete | 30000 | 13,642.98 | 454.77 |
| Entity Framework | delete | 30000 | 35,973.40 | 1,199.11 |
| Dapper | delete | 10000 | 2,869.64 | 286.96 |
| Fast Crud | delete | 10000 | 2,916.99 | 291.70 |
| Dapper Extensions | delete | 10000 | 3,106.24 | 310.62 |
| Simple Crud | delete | 10000 | 3,120.13 | 312.01 |
| Entity Framework - single op/call | delete | 10000 | 7,326.03 | 732.60 |
| Dapper | select by id | 30000 | 6,010.58 | 200.35 |
| Fast Crud | select by id | 30000 | 6,172.08 | 205.74 |
| Dapper Extensions | select by id | 30000 | 6,355.57 | 211.85 |
| Simple Crud | select by id | 30000 | 12,912.19 | 430.41 |
| Entity Framework | select by id | 30000 | 21,126.72 | 704.22 |
| Dapper | select by id | 10000 | 1,499.67 | 149.97 |
| Fast Crud | select by id | 10000 | 1,861.50 | 186.15 |
| Dapper Extensions | select by id | 10000 | 2,026.22 | 202.62 |
| Simple Crud | select by id | 10000 | 2,113.70 | 211.37 |
| Entity Framework | select by id | 10000 | 3,665.71 | 366.57 |
| Dapper | select all | 3 | 217.06 | 72,353.87 |
| Fast Crud | select all | 3 | 262.41 | 87,468.83 |
| Dapper Extensions | select all | 3 | 291.22 | 97,073.00 |
| Simple Crud | select all | 3 | 814.65 | 271,549.57 |
| Entity Framework | select all | 3 | 5,431.27 | 1,810,423.27 |

Dapper is used as reference only, for the purpose of observing the overhead of the automatic SQL generation compared to verbatim constructs. The database is re-created at every run, data file is pre-allocated, and the statistics are turned off.
The tests are following the same steps and are running on the same number and size of records.

Environment details: Windows 7, i7 3930K @3.2GHz, 16GB DDR3-1600, SATA600 SSD
| Dapper | select all | 10000 | 1,449.41 | 144.94 |
| Fast Crud | select all | 10000 | 1,748.86 | 174.89 |
| Dapper Extensions | select all | 10000 | 1,762.69 | 176.27 |
| Simple Crud | select all | 10000 | 2,281.44 | 228.14 |
| Entity Framework | select all | 10000 | 6,233.53 | 623.35 |

Dapper is included for reference. All the libs involved get their own internal cache cleared before each run, the benchmark database is re-created, data file gets pre-allocated, and the statistics are turned off.
The tests are following the same steps and are running in the same environment on the same number and size of records.
We're happy to see that most light ORMs have matured enough over the years and caught up with ``FastCrud`` and even exceeded its speed in some cases.
The really heavy ones are still trailing far behind.

You can find more details about how to run the benchmarks yourself in the wiki.

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion RunBenchmarks.ps1
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

& dotnet test "$PSScriptRoot\Dapper.FastCRUD.Benchmarks\bin\Release\net6.0\Dapper.FastCrud.Benchmarks.dll"
dotnet test "$PSScriptRoot\Dapper.FastCRUD.Benchmarks\bin\Release\net6.0\Dapper.FastCrud.Benchmarks.dll" -l "console;verbosity=normal"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0){
throw "tests failed"
Expand Down

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