This repository is a copy of the cw721 spec repository, with the cw2981 contract removed for tidyness, along with some minor changes to documentation regarding Injective deployment. this contract will become the Nebula-5 standard.
This repository aims to open source the Cosmwasm CW721 spec NFT contract version 18.
Talis protocol currently has a monopoly on mint contracts for INJ. All mint contracts are owned by talis which is horrible for decentrilization and ownership.
To only test this contract, just run cargo test
if you want to test and compile this contract, you can run sh
. this script works on POSIX systems as long as you have sha256sum installed. if you're on linux, this is installed automatically (man sha256sum
) if you're on macos, you can install it using homebrew: brew install coreutils
You will need:
- Injectived
- Basic command-line knowledge
Firstly, to run injectived we recommend a linux machine of some kind with root access as some POSIX don't play nicely when you try to add tools to /usr/bin
you'll need to setup an injectived keychain account with injectived keys add <username>
this username can be whatever you want, it really doesnt matter.
When you run this command it will ask you to create/input your injectived keychain password, then it will spit out an address.
use this command (export INJ_ADDRESS=<address>
) to set this address as your deployment address, then go to the inj faucet to set it up. we recommend a few INJ so you're not running short any time soon.
This part is easy. we have it set up so you can just run sh
and then you're off. If you're on a zsh terminal, you may need to run bash
so that the prompts work as intended. this will output a injective721.wasm
file to the project root, and you can then upload it using
will ask you for your injectived keychain password. it will then begin to upload the contract, then spit out the result.
for later use, you'll want to copy the transaction hash.
run injectived query tx <hash>
to get useful info like the code_id, which you'll need to interact with the contract. set the code_id as a local variable using export CODE_ID=<code_id>
you can init the contract by running <name> <description> <symbol> <max-tokens>