Smart waste collection over MQTT protocol using Raspberry Pi, nodeJs and Mongodb.
For development, you will need Node.js, Python3 installed in your environement. for the database we used a free remote mongoodb instance provided by mLab for the mqtt broker api key:
Clone the project by running the command:
$ git clone
Navigate to the project's directory:
$ cd greenDayzProject
Install the project's dependencies by running:
$ npm install
Replace the database URL (the variable "db" in the file "config/database.js") with your personal one, visit to get yours.
Replace the username and password (the varible mqtt in the file "config/mqttinfos.js") with your personal ones, visit to get yours.
Run the server by:
$ npm start
$ python3
The server listens to requests on port 3000
Enter localhost:3000 on your browser to open the project.