Designer-> Isack Nkolima
The tool MyCat is a tool used as a pet as the name suggests, This tool is made to simply various tasks and commands that you can use to save time. This is the first version so It's still in development, You can email me via
- [email protected] > if you have any suggestions or any bug with the tool.
The interesting thing about the MyCat is that it supports both Termux, Ubuntu and some other environments. DM me via Twitter
git clone && cd MyCat && chmod +x install && sh install
- meow version > Displays the MyCat version.
- meow v machine > Show the System properties.
- meow v ip > Displays only the system ip address.
- meow install > Install the common used tools.
- meow v storage > Show the system storage like partition and so on
- meow v cpu > Show the system cpu info
- meow update > Update MyCat to the latest version.
- meow --help > This displays guide sheet how to use MyCat
- meow kill cat > Uninstall MyCat
- Command simplifications.
- Install Other Tools.
- Acts as a mentor >Meaning showing how user is developing by making statistics.
- To answer questions from the users.