- Parse, don't validate https://lexi-lambda.github.io/blog/2019/11/05/parse-don-t-validate/
- Redux is half a pattern https://dev.to/davidkpiano/redux-is-half-of-a-pattern-1-2-1hd7
- JS Event Loop https://youtu.be/cCOL7MC4Pl0
- Modelling with state machines in ReasonML https://dev.to/margaretkrutikova/modelling-domain-with-state-machines-in-reasonml-n29
- Matt Pocock' Sextant [xState based] https://dev.to/mpocock1/test-driven-development-with-sextant-41g6
- Vertical rythm https://zellwk.com/blog/responsive-vertical-rhythm/
- You need a statecharts library https://dev.to/davidkpiano/you-don-t-need-a-library-for-state-machines-k7h
- React - XState: Just use props https://dev.to/mpocock1/just-use-props-an-opinionated-guide-to-react-and-xstate-fc9
- [OpenAI] github copilot service https://copilot.github.com/
- Effect-ts https://effect.website/
is merging into Effect-ts https://dev.to/effect-ts/a-bright-future-for-effect-455m- TS+ https://dev.to/effect-ts/the-case-for-ts-18b3
- Ryan Carniato [SolidJS] dev-io blog https://dev.to/ryansolid
- David K. Piano [XState] dev-io blog https://dev.to/davidkpiano
- An open-source collection of algorithms exercises https://algomap.io/
- https://roadmap.sh/
- https://www.develop.games/
- Signals in JS ecosystem
- OG proposal https://github.com/tc39/proposal-signals
- Signals for JavaScript Proposal - [Angular team] Alex Rickabuagh & Ben Lesh https://youtu.be/IWQMNG4y0Rc?si=0GKIJzEodW6hVGBx
- Are Signals Worth the Hype? by Atila Fassina https://youtu.be/N1Ho-4fhYxY?si=duGGJKW_f5zW_461
- Learn Why JavaScript Frameworks Love Signals By Implementing Them https://youtu.be/1TSLEzNzGQM?si=fN6vdP-D6ZZJOdl5
- Web Assembly in the wild
- Docker-wasm/wasi support https://youtu.be/aZr9rP2-Ho4?si=InMZTZHlv1N_5NHu
- NPM successors
- OpenAPI (schema generation for rest'ish APIs)
- OpenAPI + Zod: Generate The Ultimate TypeScript API Clients Automatically https://youtu.be/QmW6_lLaxwU?si=3W2OSs38nyhdXxkD
- Metaframeworks
- SSR / Hydration
- In-before NextJS times https://github.com/prerender/prerender
- Vinxi meta-router https://youtu.be/C54k7nP4OjI?si=uBuV925uQxC-3ROl
- Qwik model https://qwik.dev/
- Islands / lakes https://astro.build/
- QoL tools
- New-age formatter https://biomejs.dev/
- Virtualization & Containers
- Compose on steroids https://testcontainers.com/
- AI