This is a fairly straightforward plugin - when a player's username is mentioned in chat, it will be highlighted and a sound will be played.
prefs - personal preferences
toggle - toggle pinging, just the sound, or ping by alias
sound <Sound.SOUND> - set ping sound
color <color code> - set ping highlight color
cooldown <int> - set the sound cooldown, in seconds
alias <String> - add/remove an alias
Same as prefs, but this sets the defaults for new players
override <player>
Same as prefs, but with a player argument to force a certain setting for a certain player
chatping.user (default: op)
Ability to receive pings and adjust personal prefs
chatping.admin (default: op)
Access to defaults and override arguments
Aliases (suggestion by llaurin!)
Add your own extra names to be pinged with
Command will add the alias, or remove it if it's already present
Official server: