- Toronto
Spring Cloud 微服务开发核心工具集。工具类、验证码、http、redis、ip2region、xss 等,开箱即用。 🔝 🔝 记得右上角点个star 关注更新!
Ip2region (2.0 - xdb) is a offline IP address manager framework and locator, support billions of data segments, ten microsecond searching performance. xdb engine implementation for many programming…
All Apple devices model name list. 通过内部编号判断 iOS 设备型号。(已更新iPad2024系列)
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition & IntelliJ Platform
Android15🔥免root实现 Android改机(一键新机)技术解密,微信无限多开等。
A free and unlimited API for Google Translate 💵🚫
SwitchButton.An beautiful+lightweight+custom-style-easy switch widget for Android,minSdkVersion >= 11
Android Ptrace Inject for all ABIs and all APIs. Help you inject Shared Library on Android.
[being rewritten] Cross-platform iMessage POC
A generative speech model for daily dialogue.
C++ 资源大全中文版,标准库、Web应用框架、人工智能、数据库、图片处理、机器学习、日志、代码分析等。由「开源前哨」和「CPP开发者」微信公号团队维护更新。
A Mac OS X kernel mode filter driver ( a kernel extension ) for devices, file systems and network
An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
A software update framework for macOS
A sample that shows how to move a running Mac application to the /Applications directory
🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)