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Developer Setup Guide

EpicSquid edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 1 revision

Developer Setup Guide

Setting up the Dev Enironment

To setup a development environment use the following steps (1.12.2)

  1. Checkout from Github all necessary projects into a single folder. E.g. for Roots, you need to checkout Roots, Mystical Lib and Mystical World.
  2. Copy the "gradle" folder, "gradlew" and "gradlew.bat" files from MysticalLib and paste them into the folder that all the projects are in.
  3. Create a new file called "settings.gradle" in the same folder
  4. Edit "settings.gradle" to have the following (the include line is an example for a setup with just Roots):
include ':MysticalLib', ':MysticalWorld', ':Roots' = 'Mystic Mods'

rootProject.children.each { project ->
    String fileBaseName =
    project.buildFileName = "build.gradle"
  1. Add any projects you have checked out from Github to the "include" line, following the pattern above
  2. In whatever IDE you use, set the number of indent spaces to "2"
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