This is a real revolution in the world of writing reports!
Tired of manually filling the table with subprograms, spending a huge amount of time on this? You want only to fill in the description? This program is exactly for you!
It compiles a table of subprograms and its parameters according to your code. Sounds like a fairy tale? And here not!
In addition, the program generates a description for subprograms and parameters, the purpose of which our AI can guess!
And you can do code self-documentation. Leave comments before the procedure and it will be used as a description in the table! Conveniently ?! Madly, and plus everything makes your mind clearer and more beautiful!
- Paste your code into the text box on the left.
- Then click "Convert".
- Make sure the data in the table is correct.
- Click the "To Word" button and select where to save the file.
- Done! Now fill in the missing information and insert the table into your report!