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Update Netgen
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mhochsteger committed Feb 28, 2022
1 parent 44aa0ff commit 2b26d67
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion external_dependencies/netgen
Submodule netgen updated 64 files
+5 −4 libsrc/core/archive.hpp
+1 −0 libsrc/core/python_ngcore.hpp
+3 −4 libsrc/core/utils.cpp
+18 −1 libsrc/core/utils.hpp
+10 −12 libsrc/csg/csgeom.cpp
+1 −1 libsrc/csg/csgeom.hpp
+1 −77 libsrc/csg/csgpkg.cpp
+10 −6 libsrc/general/gzstream.cpp
+7 −7 libsrc/general/gzstream.h
+33 −4 libsrc/general/hashtabl.hpp
+4 −0 libsrc/general/mystring.cpp
+3 −0 libsrc/general/mystring.hpp
+2 −0 libsrc/general/table.hpp
+1 −1 libsrc/geom2d/geom2dpkg.cpp
+9 −10 libsrc/geom2d/geometry2d.cpp
+1 −1 libsrc/geom2d/geometry2d.hpp
+2 −2 libsrc/interface/read_fnf_mesh.cpp
+1 −3 libsrc/interface/readtetmesh.cpp
+15 −40 libsrc/interface/readuser.cpp
+12 −12 libsrc/interface/rw_cgns.cpp
+24 −77 libsrc/interface/writeOpenFOAM15x.cpp
+6 −11 libsrc/interface/writeabaqus.cpp
+2 −2 libsrc/interface/writediffpack.cpp
+2 −2 libsrc/interface/writedolfin.cpp
+12 −20 libsrc/interface/writeelmer.cpp
+2 −2 libsrc/interface/writefeap.cpp
+2 −2 libsrc/interface/writefluent.cpp
+2 −2 libsrc/interface/writegmsh.cpp
+2 −2 libsrc/interface/writegmsh2.cpp
+2 −2 libsrc/interface/writejcm.cpp
+4 −4 libsrc/interface/writepermas.cpp
+1 −1 libsrc/interface/writetecplot.cpp
+1 −1 libsrc/interface/writetet.cpp
+2 −2 libsrc/interface/writetochnog.cpp
+25 −23 libsrc/interface/writeuser.cpp
+33 −33 libsrc/interface/writeuser.hpp
+2 −2 libsrc/interface/wuchemnitz.cpp
+1 −1 libsrc/meshing/basegeom.cpp
+4 −3 libsrc/meshing/basegeom.hpp
+135 −30 libsrc/meshing/boundarylayer.cpp
+10 −6 libsrc/meshing/improve2.cpp
+197 −19 libsrc/meshing/meshclass.cpp
+10 −5 libsrc/meshing/meshclass.hpp
+3 −2 libsrc/meshing/python_mesh.cpp
+34 −27 libsrc/occ/occgeom.cpp
+6 −6 libsrc/occ/occgeom.hpp
+12 −40 libsrc/occ/occpkg.cpp
+4 −4 libsrc/occ/python_occ.cpp
+17 −0 libsrc/occ/python_occ_shapes.cpp
+32 −33 libsrc/stlgeom/stlgeom.cpp
+4 −4 libsrc/stlgeom/stlgeom.hpp
+1 −1 libsrc/stlgeom/stlpkg.cpp
+3 −3 libsrc/stlgeom/stltopology.cpp
+3 −3 libsrc/stlgeom/stltopology.hpp
+5 −32 ng/ngpkg.cpp
+6 −6 python/
+9 −0 python/
+5 −5 python/
+12 −10
+1 −1 tests/build_pip.ps1
+1 −1 tests/
+1 −1 tests/
+1,309 −1,309 tests/pytest/results.json
+18 −2 tests/pytest/

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