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Units (#313)
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Units in definitions.yaml translated and tests in translated. A few tests still fail and I don't know why.

Co-authored-by: Tim Arborealis Lötberg <[email protected]>
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AndersEkl and TimArborealis authored Nov 22, 2024
1 parent 8e1c847 commit ab668a8
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Showing 7 changed files with 223 additions and 12,975 deletions.
188 changes: 117 additions & 71 deletions Rules/Languages/sv/definitions.yaml
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# name: [ "...", "..." "..." ],

- SIPrefixes: {
"Q": "quetta", "R": "ronna", "Y": "yotta", "Z": "zetta", "E": "exa", "P": "peta", "T": "tera", "G": "giga", "M": "mega", "k": "kilo", "h": "hecto", "da": "deka",
"d": "deci", "c": "centi", "m": "milli", "µ": "micro", "n": "nano", "p": "pico", "f": "femto", "a": "atto", "z": "zepto", "y": "yocto", "r": "ronto", "q": "quecto"
"Q": "quetta", "R": "ronna", "Y": "yotta", "Z": "zetta", "E": "exa", "P": "peta", "T": "tera", "G": "giga", "M": "mega", "k": "kilo", "h": "hekto", "da": "deka",
"d": "deci", "c": "centi", "m": "milli", "µ": "mikro", "n": "nano", "p": "piko", "f": "femto", "a": "atto", "z": "zepto", "y": "yokto", "r": "ronto", "q": "quekto"

# this is a list of all units that accept SIPrefixes
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# The SI prefixes can be used with several of accepted units, but not, for example, with the non-SI units of time.
- SIUnits: {
# base units
"A": "amp",
"A": "ampère",
"cd": "candela",
"K": "kelvin", "K": "kelvin", # U+212A
"g": "gram",
"m": "metre", # British spelling works for US also
"mol": "mole",
"s": "second", "sec": "second", # "sec" not actually legal
"m": "meter", # British spelling works for US also
"mol": "mol",
"s": "sekund", "sek": "sekund", # "sec" not actually legal

# derived units
"Bq": "becquerel",
"C": "coulomb",
"°C": "degree celsius", "℃": "degree celsius", # should only take negative powers
"°C": "grad celsius", "℃": "grad celsius", # should only take negative powers
"F": "farad",
"Gy": "gray",
"H": "henry",
"Hz": "hertz",
"J": "joule",
"kat": "kattel",
"kat": "katal",
"lm": "lumen",
"lx": "lux",
"N": "newton",
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"Wb": "weber",

# accepted (plus a few variants) that take SI prefixes
"l": "litre", "L": "litre", "ℓ": "litre", # Should only take negative powers; British spelling works for US also
"t": "metric ton", # should only take positive powers
"l": "liter", "L": "liter", "ℓ": "liter", # Should only take negative powers; British spelling works for US also
"t": "ton", # should only take positive powers
"Da": "dalton",
"Np": "neper", # should only take negative powers
"u": "atomic mass unit", # 'u' is correct:
"eV": "electronvolt",
"u": "atommassenhet", # 'u' is correct:
"eV": "elektronvolt",
"rad": "radian", # should only take negative powers
"sr": "sterradion", # should only take negative powers
"sr": "sterradian", # should only take negative powers

# others that take a prefix
"a": "annum", # should only take positive powers
"as": "arcsecond", # see
"as": "bågsekund", # see

# technically wrong, but used in practice with SI Units
"b": "bit", # should only take positive powers
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- UnitsWithoutPrefixes: {
# time
"": "second", "\"": "second",
"": "minute", "'": "minute","min": "minute",
"h": "hour", "hr": "hour", "Hr": "hour",
"d": "day", "dy": "day",
"w": "week", "wk": "week",
"y": "year", "yr": "year",
"": "sekund", "\"": "sekund",
"": "minut", "'": "minut","min": "minut",
"h": "timme", "hr": "timme", "Hr": "timme", "tim": "timme",
"d": "dag", "dy": "dag",
"w": "vecka", "wk": "vecka", "v": "vecka",
"y": "år", "yr": "år",

# angles
"°": "degree", "deg": "degree", # should only take negative powers
"arcmin": "arcminute",
"amin": "arcminute",
"am": "arcminute",
"MOA": "arcminute",
"arcsec": "arcsecond",
"asec": "arcsecond",
"°": "grad", "deg": "grad", # should only take negative powers
"arcmin": "bågminut",
"amin": "bågminut",
"am": "bågminut",
"MOA": "bågminut",
"arcsec": "bågsekund",
"asec": "bågsekund",

# distance
"au": "astronomical unit", "AU": "astronomical unit",
"ltyr": "light year", "ly": "light year",
"pc": "parsec",
"Å": "angstrom", "Å": "angstrom", # U+00C5 and U+212B
"au": "astronomisk enhet", "AU": "astronomisk enhet",
"ltyr": "ljusår", "ly": "ljusår",
"pc": "parsek",
"Å": "ångström", "Å": "ångström", # U+00C5 and U+212B
"fm": "fermi",

# others
"ha": "hectare",
"ha": "hektar",
# "B": "bel", # "B" more commonly means bytes
"dB": "decibel", # already loglogarithmic, so not used with SI prefixes

"amu": "atomic mass unit",
"atm": "atmosphere",
"amu": "atommassenhet",
"atm": "atmosfär",
"bar": "bar",
"cal": "calorie",
"cal": "kalori",
"Ci": "curie",
"grad": "gradian",
"grad": "gon",
"M": "molar",
"R": "roentgen",
"rpm": "revolution per minute",
"R": "röntgen",
"rpm": "varv per minut",
"": "m-h-o",
"dyn": "dyne",
"dyn": "dyn",
"erg": "erg",

# powers of 2 used with bits and bytes
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# this will only be used if the language is English, so it can be empty for other countries
# not necessarily! imperial units can still occur in e.g. Swedish textbooks: "Exercise: convert this into proper units", also some are usen in Swedish cook-books. /Tim
- EnglishUnits: {
# length
"in": "inch",
"ft": "foot",
"in": "tum",
"ft": "fot",
"mi": "mile",
"rd": "rod",
"li": "link",
"ch": "chain",

# area
"sq in": "square inch", "sq. in": "square inch", "sq. in.": "square inch",
"sq ft": "square foot", "sq. ft": "square foot", "sq. ft.": "square foot",
"sq yd": "square yard", "sq. yd": "square yard", "sq. yd.": "square yard",
"sq mi": "square mile", "sq. mi": "square mile", "sq. mi.": "square mile",
"ac": "acre",
"sq in": "kvadrattum", "sq. in": "kvadrattum", "sq. in.": "kvadrattum",
"sq ft": "kvadratfot", "sq. ft": "kvadratfot", "sq. ft.": "kvadratfot",
"sq yd": "kvadratyard", "sq. yd": "kvadratyard", "sq. yd.": "kvadratyard",
"sq mi": "kvadratmile", "sq. mi": "kvadratmile", "sq. mi.": "kvadratmile",
"ac": "engelskt tunnland",
"FBM": "board foot",

# volume
"cu in": "cubic inch", "cu. in": "cubic inch", "cu. in.": "cubic inch",
"cu ft": "cubic foot", "cu. ft": "cubic foot", "cu. ft.": "cubic foot",
"cu yd": "cubic yard", "cu. yd": "cubic yard", "cu. yd.": "cubic yard",
"bbl": "barrel", "BBL": "barrel",
"cu in": "kubiktum", "cu. in": "kubiktum", "cu. in.": "kubiktum",
"cu ft": "kubikfot", "cu. ft": "kubikfot", "cu. ft.": "kubikfot",
"cu yd": "kubikyard", "cu. yd": "kubikyard", "cu. yd.": "kubikyard",
"bbl": "fat", "BBL": "fat",
"pk": "peck",
"bu": "bushel",
"tsp": "teaspoon",
"tbl": "tablespoon",
"bu": "skäppa",
"tsp": "tesked", "tsk": "tesked",
"tbl": "matsked", "tbsp": "matsked", "msk": "matsked",

# liquid
"fl dr": "fluid drams",
"fl dr": "fluid dram",
"fl oz": "fluid ounce",
"gi": "gill",
"cp": "cup", "cup": "cup",
"cp": "kopp", "cup": "kopp",
"pt": "pint",
"qt": "quart",
"gal": "gallon",

# weight
"gr": "grain",
"dr": "dram",
"oz": "ounce", "℥": "ounce",
"lb": "pound",
"oz": "uns", "℥": "uns",
"lb": "pund",
"cwt": "hundredweight",
"dwt": "pennyweight",
"oz t": "troy ounce",
"lb t": "troy pound",
"oz t": "troyuns",
"lb t": "troypund",

# energy
"hp": "horsepower",
"BTU": "BTU",
"°F": "degree fahrenheit", "℉": "degree fahrenheit",
"hp": "hästkraft",
"BTU": "B-T-U",
"°F": "grad fahrenheit", "℉": "grad fahrenheit",

# other
"mph": "mile per hour",
"mpg": "mile per gallon",

- PluralForms: {
# FIX: this needs to be flushed out
"inch": "inches", "square inch": "square inches", "cubic inch": "cubic inches",
"foot": "feet", "square foot": "square feet", "cubic foot": "cubic feet",
"board foot": "board feet",
"degree celsius": "degrees celsius",
"degree fahrenheit": "degrees fahrenheit",
"hertz": "hertz",
"siemens": "siemens",
"revolution per minute": "revolutions per minute",
# SWEDISH: this should be complete. Units not listed here are not modified when pluralised. /Tim
"sekund": "sekunder",
"grad celcius": "grader celcius",
"atommassenhet": "atommassenheter",
"radian": "radianer",
"steradian": "steradianer",
"bågsekund": "bågsekunder",
"bit": "bits",
"byte": "bytes",
"baud": "bauds",
"minut": "minuter",
"timme": "timmar",
"dag": "dagar",
"vecka": "veckor",
"grad": "grader",
"bågminut": "bågminuter",
"astronomisk enhet": "astronomiska enheter",
"atmosfär": "atmosfärer",
"kalori": "kalorier",
"kibi-bit": "kibi-bits",
"mebi-bit": "mebi-bits",
"gibi-bit": "gibi-bits",
"tebi-bit": "tebi-bits",
"pebi-bit": "pebi-bits",
"exbi-bit": "exbi-bits",
"zebi-bit": "zebi-bits",
"yobi-bit": "yobi-bits",
"kibi-byte": "kibi-bytes",
"mebi-byte": "mebi-bytes",
"gibi-byte": "gibi-bytes",
"tebi-byte": "tebi-bytes",
"pebi-byte": "pebi-bytes",
"exbi-byte": "exbi-bytes",
"zebi-byte": "zebi-bytes",
"yobi-byte": yobi-bytes",
"mile": "miles",
"rod": "rods",
"link": "links",
"chain": "chains",
"kvadratmile": "kvadratmiles",
"engelskt tunnland": "engelska tunnland",
"skäppa": "skäppor",
"tesked": "teskedar",
"matsked": "matskedar",
"fluid dram": "fluid drams",
"fluid ounce": "fluid ounces",
"kopp": "koppar",
"pint": "pints",
"quart": "quarts",
"grain": "grains",
"hundredweight": "hundredweights",
"pennyweight": "pennyweights",
"hästkraft": "hästkrafter",
"grad fahrenheit": "grader fahrenheit",
"mile per hour": "miles per hour",
"mile per gallon": "miles per gallon",
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