This release includes the following changes:
- README updates
- Bug fixes
- Updated requirements for security vulnerabilities
- Add host Postgres user and group for Postgres database folder permissions when deploying with Puppet
- For the browsable API, automatically log out the user and end the session after 15 minutes
- Adds support for OAUTH 2.0 authentication for task result callback
- Adds support for authentication to scos-sensor API using OAUTH 2.0 JWT (JSON Web Token)
- Removes is_private and admin_only.
- User must be superuser or have JWT authority matching REQUIRED_ROLE setting
- Add drivers folder for copying files into the scos-sensor API Docker container
- Upgrade to latest pip version in scos-sensor API Docker container
- Replaced MAX_TASK_RESULTS with MAX_DISK_USAGE which defaults to 85%
- Refactored scos-sensor to support plugins for different actions and signal analyzers
- Added feature to copy required driver files to specified locations in the API container
- Added documentation on how to create required SSL certificates and JWT keys.
- Added script for creating localhost SSL certificate for testing
- Added height to location
- Modified the scheduler to set the status of a task_result to 'notification_failed' in the event that the notification to the callback URL fails
- Moved sensor definition/capabilities initialization from scos-sensor into scos-actions
- Now using pip-tools to manage dependencies
- Use broad version requirements for dependencies to reduce conflicts with scos plugins.
- Updated dependencies, removed unneeded dependencies and moved some dependencies from requirements to requirements-dev
- Added support for preselectors
- Fixed Ubuntu version to 18.04
- Fixed gps sync