Forked from vive_ros and ported for use on Windows
This was tested and worked on Windows 10 with ROS Noetic a Varjo Aero VR Headset, and 2 Valve Index Base Stations
Because openvr is VR Headset independent, it'll work with any headset which has drivers for openvr. So this should work with the Varjo Aero headset just as well as with the Vive
Follow this tutorial for installing ROS on windows and setting up an x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for Visual Studio
NOTE: You MUST have an x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for Visual Studio ROS Terminal set up for this to work.
Follow this guide for HTC Vive: Vive-Setup-Guide
Follow this guide for Varjo Aero: Setting Up Aero
Set an environmental variable for %HOME% equal to your %USERPROFILE%:
windows env var tutorial
cd ~
mkdir libraries
cd libraries
git clone
cd openvr
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
if make doesn't work, just use cmake --build . --config Release
Copy the win64 openvr_api.dll to C:\Windows\System32
run %HOME%/workspaces/devel/setup.bat
to source the development environment so ROS can find the open_vr_ros package
- Run Varjo Base
- Turn on steamvr through Varjo Base GUI
- Start a
- Launch the node:
roslaunch open_vr_ros open_vr.launch
- run
rosrun rviz rviz
to start rviz - change world frame to
- add by topic
Some things you might have to do:
Install glew to windows32:
Install sdl2.dll to windows32:
choco upgrade chocolatey
choco source disable -n=chocolatey