TF32x3: emulated single-precision using Tensor Cores
- 45+ TFLOPs on NVIDIA A100
- GEMM SDK example (real)
- COMPLEX GEMM SDK example (complex)
- Implicit GEMM Convolution SDK example
Mainloop fusion for Convolution: convolution with fused per-channel scale-bias-relu
Grouped GEMM: similar to batched GEMM with distinct problem size per group
- SDK example with performance comparison with Batched Strided GEMM
- cutlass::gemm::device::GemmGrouped
Implicit GEMM Convolution fusion supports staging 1st convolution's output accumulator in the shared memory on Turing. This allows more flexible warp tile sizes and less regsiter pressue.
Optimal performance using CUDA 11.5
Updates from the community (thanks!)
Deprecation announcement: CUTLASS plans to deprecate the following:
- Maxwell and Pascal GPU architectures
- Ubuntu 16.04
- CUDA 10.2