MentoBot is a Discord Bot that provides a connection of Poker School Website to their Discord server. It made possible using the DiscordJS API.
- Next.js
- Vultr (Hosting)
- MySQL (Web Databse)
- Discord API
- DiscordJS (JS Library to connect Discord API)
Node.js installed on your local machine Configure the Config.json file Bot needs a Discord server and been authorized Bot also needs a MySQL database to connect
Just execute npm install
on the root dir to install all dependencies
Bot has two applications with different tasks. For any of those you can easily run with 'npm start daily'
You need to configure this Config.json file:
"token": "",
"clientId": "",
"guildId": "",
"adminRole": "",
"permisosChannelID": "",
"soporteChannelID": "",
"botID": "",
"prefix": "",
"host": "",
"port": 0,
"user": "",
"password": "",
"database": "",
"userTable": "",
"membershipTable": "",
"roles": {
"cashBasic": "",
"cashBasicAnuncios": "",
"cashPro": "",
"cashProAnuncios": "",
"cashElite": "",
"cashEliteAnuncios": "",
"spinBasic": "",
"spinBasicAnuncios": "",
"spinPro": "",
"spinProAnuncios": "",
"spinElite": "",
"spinEliteAnuncios": "",
"torneosBasic": "",
"torneosBasicAnuncios": "",
"torneosPro": "",
"torneosProAnuncios": ""
This project can be easily deployed to Vultr. Simply connect your Vultr account to your GitHub repository, and Vultr will automatically build and deploy your application with each new push to the main branch.
Alternatively, you can use the Vultr CLI to deploy your application straight from your local machine.
MentoBot has two routines. One of them checks daily at 12 PM for any expired subscriptions and subsequently removes granted roles from Discord users
The second routine interacts with the user through Discord to provide assistance when certain commands are used
MentoBot has the capability to send the same message to every user on the Discord server