Add a Remote Storage
Use the following command to add and set a default remote storage:
dvc remote add -d myremote azure://<blob storage>
<blob storage>
with the appropriate path to your Azure Blob Storage container. -
Modify Remote Storage with Account Details
Update the remote storage configuration with your Azure Storage account details:
Set the storage account name:
dvc remote modify myremote account_name <storage account name>
<storage account name>
with your actual Azure Storage account name. -
Set the storage account key:
dvc remote modify myremote account_key <storage account key>
<storage account key>
with the key associated with your Azure Storage account.
- Pull all the necessary data from the azure blob storage.
dvc pull
- Run the notebook in the
- Run the following commands :
dvc pull app/backend/model/gradient_boosting.pkl.dvc cd app docker-compose up -d --build
- Access website at : http://localhost
- Call API using :
curl -X POST http://localhost/api/predict \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "features": { "MSSubClass": 60, "LotFrontage": 80.0, "LotArea": 9600, "OverallQual": 7, "OverallCond": 5, "YearBuilt": 2003, "YearRemodAdd": 2003, "GrLivArea": 1710, "FullBath": 2, "HalfBath": 1, "BedroomAbvGr": 3, "ExterQual": "Gd", "ExterCond": "TA", "HeatingQC": "Ex", "KitchenQual": "Gd", "Neighborhood": "CollgCr", "SaleType": "WD", "SaleCondition": "Normal", "HouseStyle": "2Story" } }'
- To stop the containers :
docker-compose down
- Access website at : http://ml-ops.francecentral.cloudapp.azure.com
- Call API using :
curl -X POST http://ml-ops.francecentral.cloudapp.azure.com/api/predict \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "features": { "MSSubClass": 60, "LotFrontage": 80.0, "LotArea": 9600, "OverallQual": 7, "OverallCond": 5, "YearBuilt": 2003, "YearRemodAdd": 2003, "GrLivArea": 1710, "FullBath": 2, "HalfBath": 1, "BedroomAbvGr": 3, "ExterQual": "Gd", "ExterCond": "TA", "HeatingQC": "Ex", "KitchenQual": "Gd", "Neighborhood": "CollgCr", "SaleType": "WD", "SaleCondition": "Normal", "HouseStyle": "2Story" } }'