This repository is the official implementation of [MetaCURE: Meta Reinforcement Learning with Empowerment-Driven Exploration], which has been accepted by ICML 2021. Please create an issue if you have any problems!
To install requirements:
conda env create -n metacure -f environment.yaml
This will create a new conda env called metacure.
You may also need to install Meta-World:
To train MetaCURE, run this command:
python ./configs/sparse-point-robot-metacure.json --gpu 0
To train PEARL as a baseline, run this command:
python ./configs/sparse-point-robot-pearl.json --gpu 0
You can also run additional experiments by specifying certain .json files in the 'configs' folder, and some example commands are available in
Evaluation is automatically done after each epoch of training.
Results are stored in the 'outputmetacure'and 'outputpearl' folders, respectively.
You can visualize learning curves with viskit:
Refer to the original paper and Appendix for results.