- nodejs
- postgres
$ npm run setup
$ npm run seed
$ npm start
- 🕸 Interfacing – GraphQL
- 🖥 Server – Fastify
- 💾 DatabaseAccess – Knex
- 🧪 Testing – Jest
- 💻 Language – TypeScript
- Use 'development' or leave blank to use the dev environment
- Use 'prod' to use the production environment
Knex 💾, your everyday cookbook 🧑🍳
$ npx knex migrate:latest --env envname
- Creating
$ npx knex seed:make name
- Running
$ # by default runs all of em, you may specify
$ # a seed to run
$ npx knex seed:run [options]
- Creating
$ npx knex migrate:make name
- Running
# Run a single migration up
$ npx knex migrate:up
# Run a single migration down
$ npx knex migrate:down
# Run all pending migrations
$ npx knex migrate:latest
# Run back all the latest migrations
$ npx knex migrate:rollback
# All knex options
$ npx knex
# Docs about a command
$ npx knex help command