A library for authenticating and accessing the Pocket API from Dart
import 'package:pocket_client/pocket_client.dart';
const consumerKey = '1234-abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234';
const redirectUrl = 'http://some.redirect.uri/autorizationFinished';
main() async {
var authentication = new ClientAuthentication(consumerKey);
var requestToken = await authentication.getRequestToken(redirectUrl);
var url = ClientAuthentication.getAuthorizeUrl(requestToken, redirectUrl);
// work whatever redirect magic you need here
var userData = await authentication.getAccessToken(requestToken);
onAuthorizationFinished(String accessToken) {
// now you have everything to communicate with Pocket
import 'package:pocket_client/pocket_client.dart';
const consumerKey = '1234-abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234';
const accessToken = '5678defg-5678-defg-5678-defg56';
main() async {
var client = new Client(consumerKey, accessToken);
var options = new RetrieveOptions()
..since = new DateTime(2015, 5, 4)
..search = 'Some search query'
..domain = 'http://domain.test'
..contentType = ContentType.video
..detailType = DetailType.complete
..isFavorite = true
..sortType = SortType.site
..state = State.all
..tag = 'cats'
..count = 100
..offset = 10;
var response = await client.getData(options: options);
Map<String, PocketData> items = response.items;
// do whatever you want with pocket items
var newItem = new ItemToAdd('http://www.funnycatpix.com/')
..tweetId = '123456'
..tags = ['cats', 'cool', 'share'];
PocketData data = await client.addItem(newItem);
// do whatever you want with received data
See the Api documentation.
The basic example is in example file
Please fill feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
pocket_client is distributed under the BSD license.