Hello everyone. NeseOS Update servers will deprecated SHA-1 and SHA-2 endpoints after January 1, 2025.
Because, for security and enhanced reasons, NeseOS Update servers will deprecated SHA-1 and SHA-2 endpoints (aka SHA-1 Code Signing Support and SHA-2 Code Signing Support on NeseOS Update servers). We're recommend upgrade to Nese 7 25W7 Beta 3 or later (as for Nese 7 Enterprise users, starting 25W8, you will see "End of mainstream support" popup) version for Professional users to prevent against deprecated endpoints will no longer received security updates!
Well, Nese 7, 25W7 Beta 3 version, offers SHA-3 Endpoints (aka SHA-3 Code Signing Support) included to ensure secure and up to date. SHA-3 endpoints will continue to receive security updates until in the future when stops servers completely. Stay tuned everyone!
Orxan Muxtarov (software manager at NeseOS Corporation)
Aynura Israfilova (copyright manager + staff at NeseOS Corporation)