Cloud Auxiliary is a python wrapper and orchestration module for interacting with cloud providers.
CloudAux was initially developed to provide convenience wrappers for common patterns when working with cloud infrastructures (like role assumption, and multi-regionality). It also contained some convenience functions to describe entire resources with the wrappers to fetch the full resource configuration details.
However, over time, we have stopped relying on the resource configuration wrapper capabilities and instead are only supporting the AWS convenience decorators, such as sts_conn
, and paginated
to name a few. If you wish to make use of CloudAux, simply wrap your boto calls in a function with the decorators applied to them.
Python 2 support has been dropped as of version 1.9.0. For projects that still require Python 2 support, please use the latest 1.8.x builds.
- intelligent connection caching.
- handles pagination for certain client methods.
- rate limit handling, with exponential backoff.
- multi-account sts:assumerole abstraction.
- orchestrates all the calls required to fully describe an item.
- control which attributes are returned with flags.
- choosing the best client based on service
- client caching
- general caching and stats decorators available
- basic support for non-specified discovery-API services
- control which attributes are returned with flags.
- intelligent connection caching.
- generalized OpenStack SDK generator usage.
- orchestrates all the calls required to fully describe an item.
- control which attributes are returned flags.
- IAM Role
- IAM User
- IAM SAML Provider
- S3
- ELB (v1)
- ELBv2 (ALB)
- Lambda Functions
- Glacier
- EC2 Image
- Cloudwatch Events
- IAM Service Accounts
- Network/Subnetworks
- Storage Buckets
- Network/Subnet
- Floating IP/Router/Port
- User
- Instance/Image
- Load Balancer
- Object Storage Container
pip install cloudaux
For GCP support run:
pip install cloudaux\[gcp\]
For OpenStack support run:
pip install cloudaux\[openstack\]
# Using wrapper methods:
from import get_queue, get_messages
conn_details = {
'account_number': '111111111111',
'assume_role': 'MyRole',
'session_name': 'MySession',
'region': 'us-east-1'
queue = get_queue(queue_name='MyQueue', **conn_details)
messages = get_messages(queue=queue)
# Using the CloudAux class
from cloudaux import CloudAux
CloudAux.go('kms.client.list_aliases', **conn_details)
ca = CloudAux(**conn_details)'kms.client.list_aliases')
# directly asking for a boto3 connection:
from import boto3_cached_conn
conn = boto3_cached_conn('ec2', **conn_details)
# Over your entire environment:
from cloudaux.decorators import iter_account_region
accounts = ['000000000000', '111111111111']
conn_details = {
'assume_role': 'MyRole',
'session_name': 'MySession',
'conn_type': 'boto3'
@iter_account_region('kms', accounts=accounts, regions=['us-east-1'], **conn_details)
def list_keys(conn=None):
return conn.list_keys()['Keys']
# If you want your role to be read-only, you can assume your role and add the read_only flag to connection details
# to inherit the AWS ReadOnlyAccess policy. This flag defaults to False
# The permissions from the role being assumed will be limited to Read and List only
conn_details = {
'account_number': '111111111111',
'assume_role': 'MyRole',
'session_name': 'MySession',
'region': 'us-east-1',
'read_only': True
# directly asking for a client:
from import get_client
client = get_client('gce', **conn_details)
# Over your entire environment:
from cloudaux.gcp.decorators import iter_project
projects = ['my-project-one', 'my-project-two']
# To specify per-project key_files, you can do thie following:
# projects = [
# {'project': 'my-project-one', key_file='/path/to/project-one.json'},
# {'project': 'my-project-two', key_file='/path/to/project-two.json'}
# ]
# To specify a single key_file for all projects, use the key_file argument
# to the decorator
# @iter_project(projects=projects, key_file='/path/to/key.json')
# To use default credentials, omit the key_file argument
# @iter_project(projects=projects)
from cloudaux.gcp.iam import list_serviceaccounts
from cloudaux.orchestration.gcp.iam.serviceaccount import get_serviceaccount_complete
@iter_project(projects=projects, key_file='/path/to/key.json')
def test_iter(**kwargs):
accounts = list_serviceaccounts(**kwargs)
ret = []
for account in accounts:
return ret
from cloudaux.openstack.decorators import _connect
conn = _connect(cloud_name, region, yaml_file):
# Over your entire environment:
from cloudaux.openstack.decorators import iter_account_region, get_regions
def list_networks(conn=None, service='network', generator='security_groups'):
from cloudaux.openstack.utils import list_items
from import get_role, FLAGS
# account_number may be extracted from the ARN of the role passed to get_role
# if not included in conn.
conn = dict(
assume_role='SecurityMonkey', # or whichever role you wish to assume into
role = get_role(
dict(arn='arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/myRole', role_name='myRole'),
output='camelized', # optional: {camelized underscored}
flags=FLAGS.ALL, # optional
# The flags parameter is optional but allows the user to indicate that
# only a subset of the full item description is required.
# IAM Role Flag Options:
# cloudaux makes a number of calls to obtain a full description of the role
print(json.dumps(role, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
"Arn": ...,
"AssumeRolePolicyDocument": ...,
"CreateDate": ..., # str
"InlinePolicies": ...,
"InstanceProfiles": ...,
"ManagedPolicies": ...,
"Path": ...,
"RoleId": ...,
"RoleName": ...,
"Tags": {},
"_version": 3 # Orchestration results return a _Version
from cloudaux.orchestration.gcp.iam.serviceaccount import get_serviceaccount_complete, FLAGS
sa_name = 'projects/my-project-one/serviceAccounts/[email protected]'
sa = get_serviceaccount_complete(sa_name, flags=FLAGS.ALL, **conn_details)
print(json.dumps(sa, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# Flag options for Service Accounts are BASE, KEYS, POLICY, ALL (default).
"DisplayName": "service-account",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Etag": "BwUzTDvWgHw=",
"Keys": [
"KeyAlgorithm": "KEY_ALG_RSA_2048",
"Name": "projects/my-project-one/serviceAccounts/[email protected]/keys/8be0096886f6ed5cf51abb463d3448c8aee6c6b6",
"ValidAfterTime": "2016-06-30T18:26:45Z",
"ValidBeforeTime": "2026-06-28T18:26:45Z"
"Name": "projects/my-project-one/serviceAccounts/[email protected]",
"Oauth2ClientId": "115386704809902483492",
"Policy": [
"Members": [
"user:[email protected]"
"Role": "roles/iam.serviceAccountActor"
"ProjectId": "my-project-one",
"UniqueId": "115386704809902483492"
from cloudaux.orchestration.openstack.security_group import get_security_group, FLAGS
secgroup = get_security_group(result, flags=flags, **kwargs)
# The flags parameter is optional but allows the user to indicate that
# only a subset of the full item description is required.
# Security Group Flag Options:
# RULES, INSTANCES (default)
# For instance: flags=FLAGS.RULES | FLAGS.INSTANCES
print(json.dumps(secgroup, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
"assigned_to": [
"instance_id": "..."
"created_at": "...",
"description": "...",
"id": "...",
"location": "...",
"name": "...",
"project_id": "...",
"revision_number": 3,
"rules": [
"rule_type": "...",
"remote_group_id": "...",
"from_port": "...",
"description": "...",
"tags": [],
"to_port": "...",
"ethertype": "...",
"created_at": "...",
"updated_at": "...",
"security_group_id": "...",
"revision_number": 0,
"tenant_id": "...",
"project_id": "..."",
"id": "...",
"cidr_ip": "...",
"ip_protocol": "..."
"updated_at": "..."