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This module implements the metrics engine for NethServer 8. The module is rootless and runs as a non-privileged user.

It is composed by the following services:


  • there is only one instance of the module inside all the cluster, the instance runs only on the leader node
  • it automatically monitors all cluster nodes
  • if a leader node becomes a worker, the module is automatically removed on the worker node
  • Prometheus listens on well-known port 9091 (standard port is 9090, but it has been changed to avoid conflicts with Cockpit)
  • Alertmanager listens on well-known port 9093
  • alert-proxy listens on well-known port 9095
  • Grafana is disabled by default, if a Traefik route is configured Grafana will be run on the well-known port 3000

The configuration for Prometheus and Alertmanager is created when Prometheus service is restarted. The module is restarted when a new node is added or removed from the cluster. The alert-proxy service is restarted during a subscription-change event: if there is a valid subscription, the service will start sending alerts to or

Available alerts:

  • no SWAP is configured
  • SWAP is getting full
  • One ore more backups have failed
  • Paritions are getting full

By default, the system will send alerts only to Nethesis portals. Mail notifications can be enabled by setting the mail_to parameter, see the Configure section.


The module is automatically installed by the cluster initialization script.


Launch configure-module, by setting the following parameters:

  • prometheus_path: path to access Prometheus web UI, if left blank Prometheus will be not exposed
  • grafana_path: path to access Grafana web UI, if left blank grafana will be stopped; if enabled default credentials are admin/admin
  • mail_to: list of email addresses to receive alerts, this requires that mail notifications are enabled at cluster level
  • mail_from: email address used to send alerts, if left blank the default value is alertmanager@<node_fqdn>
  • mail_template: name of the template to use to send alerts, if left blank the default template is used


api-cli run module/metrics1/configure-module --data '{"prometheus_path": "prometheus", "grafana_path": "grafana", "mail_to": ["[email protected]"], "mail_from": "[email protected]", "mail_template": ""}'

You can send a test alert to verify the mail configuration:

runagent -m metrics1 test-alert

Configuration files are saved inside the state directory. The most important files and directory are:

  • prometheus.yml: Prometheus configuration
    • prometheus.d: directory containing node configuration files
    • rules.d: directory containing custom alert rules
  • alertmanager.yml: Alertmanager configuration
    • templates.d: directory containing custom alert templates
  • local.yml: Grafana configuration, if enabled

Customimze alert rules (experimental)

This is an experimental feature, do not use in production. Configuration may change on the future releases.

All alert rules are defined in the rules.d directory. Files can't be modified directly and will be overwritten upon module update.

You can create a custom rule by adding the configuration to Redis. A carefully curated list of rules can be found at Awesome Prometheus alerts.

To add a custom rule, create a rule file, load it into Redis, and restart Prometheus.

Example of myalert1.yml:

alert: HostMemoryUnderMemoryPressure
expr: (rate(node_vmstat_pgmajfault[5m]) > 1000)
for: 0m
  severity: warning
  summary: Host memory under memory pressure (instance {{ $labels.instance }})
  description: |
    The node is under heavy memory pressure. High rate of loading memory pages from disk.
      VALUE = {{ $value }}
      LABELS = {{ $labels }}

Load the configuration into Redis by reading it from the file myalert1.yml:

redis-cli -x hset module/metrics1/custom_alerts myalert1 <myalert1.yml
runagent -m metrics1 systemctl --user restart prometheus

To remove the custom alert, run the following command and restart Prometheus:

redis-cli hdel module/metrics1/custom_alerts myalert1
runagent -m metrics1 systemctl --user restart prometheus

If the rule does not appear to be loaded, inspect the module log on the Logs page, searching for YAML parse errors.

Customize alert mail template (experimental)

This is an experimental feature, do not use in production. Configuration may change on the future releases.

First, create a template file, for example myalert.tmpl. Make sure to define myalert_subject and myalert_html sections, as they are used by the module to render the mail. For additional information refer to Alertmanager documentation.

Example of myalert.tmpl contents:

{{ define "myalert_subject" }}Alert on {{ range .Alerts.Firing }}{{ .Labels.instance }} {{ end }}{{ end }}
{{ define "myalert_html" }}
{{ range .Alerts.Firing }}
<p>{{ .Labels.alertname }} on {{ .Labels.instance }}<br/>
{{ if ne .Annotations.summary "" }}{{ .Annotations.summary }}{{ end }}</p>
{{ range .Annotations.SortedPairs }}
  {{ .Name }} = {{ .Value }}<br/>
{{ end }}
{{ range .Labels.SortedPairs }}
  {{ .Name }} = {{ .Value }}<br/>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Load the template file in Redis DB:

redis-cli -x hset module/metrics1/custom_templates myalert <myalert.tmpl

Configure the module to use the new template:

api-cli run module/metrics1/configure-module --data '{"prometheus_path": "prometheus", "grafana_path": "grafana", "mail_from": "[email protected]", "mail_to": ["[email protected]"], "mail_template": "myalert"}'

You can test the template rendering using the following command:

runagent -m metrics1
podman exec -ti alertmanager amtool template render --template.glob='/etc/alertmanager/templates/*.tmpl' --template.text='{{ template "myalert_html" . }}'
podman exec -ti alertmanager amtool template render --template.glob='/etc/alertmanager/templates/*.tmpl' --template.text='{{ template "myalert_subject" . }}'


Test the module using the script:


The tests are made using Robot Framework