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Learning .NET Aspire by example: Social Media App using PostgreSQL, MongoDb, Elasticsearch Build

The goal of this repository is to show how to build applications using .NET Aspire.


  • Aspire.Hosting.PostgreSQL - users & followers
  • Aspire.Hosting.MongoDB - posts
  • Aspire.Hosting.Elasticsearch - post searching & likes analytics
  • Aspire.Hosting.Redis - output caching
  • Aspire.Hosting.RabbitMQ - message bus, used to denormalize data to Elastic


For more information about implemented functionality see REST API document.


💡This project provides so called "F5 experience", all you need to do is to clone it and run it. Migration and data seeding are performed automatically during startup as part of MigrationService.

 dotnet run --project ./src/AppHost/

Take a look at migration process:


❯ curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:51909/users/1' -s | jq
# {
#   "user-id": 1,
#   "name": "Jennie Klocko",
#   "email": "[email protected]",
#   "followers-count": 2,
#   "following-count": 2
# }
❯ curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:51909/users/1/followers' -s | jq
# [
#   {
#     "user-id": 522,
#     "name": "Jerome Kilback",
#     "email": "[email protected]"
#   },
#   {
#     "user-id": 611,
#     "name": "Ernestine Schiller",
#     "email": "[email protected]"
#   }
# ]
❯ curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:51909/users/1/posts' -s | jq '.[] | {title, likes}'
# {
#   "title": "Ipsam cumque labore sapiente ea.",
#   "likes": [
#     87,
#     44,
#     15,
#   ]
# }
# {
#   "title": "Impedit commodi delectus fugit exercitationem.",
#   "likes": [
#   ]
# }
# {
#   "title": "Qui officia quos.",
#   "likes": [
#     65,
#     1
#   ]
# }
❯ curl -X 'POST' 'http://localhost:51909/posts/analytics/leaderboard' -s | jq
# [
#   {
#     "user-id": 98,
#     "name": "Ian Paucek",
#     "email": "[email protected]",
#     "like-count": 202
#   },
#   {
#     "user-id": 42,
#     "name": "Neil Ryan",
#     "email": "[email protected]",
#     "like-count": 194
#   },
#   {
#     "user-id": 49,
#     "name": "Bruce Botsford",
#     "email": "[email protected]",
#     "like-count": 179
#   },
#   {
#     "user-id": 11,
#     "name": "Angel Gaylord",
#     "email": "[email protected]",
#     "like-count": 168
#   },
#   {
#     "user-id": 62,
#     "name": "Ora Smith",
#     "email": "[email protected]",
#     "like-count": 167
#   }
# ]

Some of the requests are cached based on Output caching middleware in ASP.NET Core. For example:

First hit:


Subsequent hit:



The reasoning for each type of data storage:

  1. Relational Databases (PostgreSQL):

    Motivation & Reasoning: Relational databases are designed to handle structured data and relationships between data entities effectively. They are based on a relational model where data is stored in tables and the relationship between these data is also stored in tables. For a social media application, user profiles and the relationships between users (like who follows whom) are well-suited to a relational model.


    • Strong consistency and ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance which ensures reliable processing of transactions.
    • Excellent support for complex queries and joins due to SQL (Structured Query Language).
    • Mature, with plenty of tools, libraries, and resources available.


    • Can become slower as the volume of data increases.
    • Scaling horizontally (across multiple servers) can be challenging.
    • They can be overkill for simple, non-relational data.
  2. NoSQL Databases (MongoDB):

    Motivation & Reasoning: NoSQL databases are designed to handle unstructured data, and they excel at dealing with large volumes of data and high write loads. They don't require a fixed schema and are easy to scale. For a social media application, posts and likes can be considered as document-like data and can be stored effectively in a NoSQL database.


    • Schema-less, which offers flexibility as data requirements evolve.
    • Generally provide easy horizontal scaling.
    • Good performance with large amounts of data.


    • Lack of standardization as compared to SQL databases.
    • Not all NoSQL databases support ACID transactions.
    • Joins and complex queries can be more difficult or not natively supported.
  3. Search and Analytics Engines (Elasticsearch):

    Motivation & Reasoning: Elasticsearch is a real-time distributed search and analytics engine. It's designed for horizontal scalability, maximum reliability, and easy management. It excels at searching complex data types. For a social media application, Elasticsearch can be used to index posts and provide powerful search capabilities.


    • Excellent full-text search capabilities with a powerful query language.
    • Real-time analytics.
    • Can handle large amounts of data and scale horizontally easily.


    • Not designed to be a primary database, more suited for secondary read-heavy workloads.
    • Managing and maintaining an Elasticsearch cluster can be complex.
    • No built-in multi-document ACID transactions.

In summary, the choice of database depends on the specific needs of your application. It's common to use a combination of different types of databases (polyglot persistence) to leverage the strengths of each.