Dummy Prototype build for AgoraAndroid App based on UI Mockups
I will be uploading the whole code here soon....
Here is the explaination for the UI Mockups as explained in !232
- Flat Material Style Design.
- Each color of the palette has its own meaning to describe each function.
Used standard Roboto Fonts (Bold Medium Regular)
- I preferred using the Custom Button Layout.
- I also revamped the theme of the EditText view.
- I have used steps indicator wherever necessary to make it more intuitive
- I have kept it as simple as possible.
- Thinking to include a small animation in the future(if necessary).
- Walkthrough comes when the user opens the app for the first time.
- Simple smooth and clean.
- Also added Two factor Authentication and Security Question Based LogIn (derived from Agora Web)
- With increasing screen size, it became important to add the frequently used controls at the bottom of the Layout.
- So I preferred the bottom nav bar over side navbar.
- To make it simple I confined myself to include only create election, home and all election buttons on the navbar and added remaining into the Bottom sheet.
In the profile-section added an option to edit the profile picture.
- Here I have added two new options, Sort and Filter.
- Sort: Contains options to sort the elections by date, number of voters
- Filter: Used to filter of only required elections based on a voting algorithm or a candidate name...
- Added major points on top as chips.
- For Polls user gets and option to generate Voting URL (derived from Agora Web)
- Slightly revamped the Invite voters Page.
- Here I have added steps indicator which helps users to track the progress.
- For voting algorithm selection I used an Expandable Dropdown view.
- I also included a column where we can add a description of the voting algorithm (from available sources, in the future).
- Followed same layout pattern as of Create Election
- Step1: User get to know Details about Election
- Step2: Select a Candidate to be added into ballot
- step3: Review the Ballot and Cast Vote
- Step2 is different for Poll (public election) where user can post scores to each candidate (derived from Agora Web)
- According to Material Design Guidelines, Empty States should be designed to prevent confusion of the user.
- Empty State appears whenever there is nothing to display on a page.
- And No Network appears in case of any network connection issues.
- I would also like to add a secure logIn feature, where a user can enable if necessary. (just like WhatsApp and other apps)
- Fingerprint or Pin based LogIn
- Dark themes reduce the luminance emitted by device screens,blah blah... Everyone knows advantages of Dark theme..
- So, As every part of designs is constructed following Material Design Principles it will be easy to implement a dark theme for the same in the future.
Note: I will soon add link or a video to show the prototype.