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This is a shell for linux and os x (mostly only tested on Ubuntu. Mileage may vary).

It has plenty of the features one would expect, such as

  • Pipeing (e.g. cat file | grep key | wc -l)
  • Input/output files (e.g. cat < original.txt > copy.txt)
  • Background processes (e.g. sleep 100 &)
  • The ability to stop (by pressing CTRL+Z) and continue (%) processes
  • Comments (e.g. ls # this is a comment)
  • Compound commands (e.g. make && ./seashell)

See the bottom of this README for more information.

How to Build

Make sure you have cmake on your machine, and then do the following

git clone
cd seashell
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

And then simply run with ./seashell.

Builtin Commands

These are listed at the top of builtins.c, but may be implemented elsewhere (e.g. bookmark.c). Currently, there is

Name Description Usage Example
exit/quit These exit the program
cd This changes the directory cd DIRECTORY cd path/to/fldr
bookmark This manages a list of directories that you can easily swap between bookmark --save DIRECTORY --name NAME Saves a bookmark to the list
bookmark --goto NAME Changes directory. NAME can be the one given to --name or the number printed at the beginning of a line by --list
bookmark --list Lists all the bookmarks
bookmark --save path/to/fld --name screenplays
home This prints your home directory home
alias Creates shorthands for commands alias SHORTHAND COMMAND alias cntlines "git ls-files | grep -e c$ -e h$ | xargs cat | wc -l"
jobs Lists all currently running jobs jobs
% Continues (first) stopped background job %
kill Sends signal to specifies processs kill --job ID --idx INDEX SIGNAL
kill --pid PID SIGNAL
kill --job 3 --idx 0 SIGCONT
history Prints out all commands stored in the shell's history history
fg/bg Move a job to the foreground or background fg JOBID

Some Things That Might be Useful to Know

  • There's decent tab completion.
    • You can tab complete filenames as well as any programs stored in PATH
    • builtin commands can also be tab completed
    • Certain common inputs (e.g. sudo apt-get install) can also be tab completed, one word at a time
    • You can tab complete packages when typing sudo apt install and the like
      • At startup, the shell fetches a list of all packages avaiable to apt
    • when cloning git repositories, you can tab complete the name of a repository
      • When you type something like git clone<user>, the shell fetches a list of repos belonging to that user
    • See readline.c for the latest information
  • You will ocassionally get hints (yellow suggestions for finishing your input). See readline.c for complete information.
    • Builtin commands receive hints
    • Certain common commands also receive hints
    • Your 10 most frequently used commands also receive hints
      • In the demo, this wasn't limited to 10 so that I would get extra help remembering what I wanted to type
    • There may also be more hints depending on how long it has been since I last updated the readme.
  • At startup, the program reads in a .seashellrc file from your home path and executes every command in it
  • At the top of main.c, there is a TODO list of the features I'm planning on adding next.
  • The seashell in the icon was stolen from here


Shell written in C. C-shell. seashell.







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