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Noitidart edited this page Jul 2, 2016 · 41 revisions


  • nodata: should become nobtn: and worker getBtnStore should work with it, but all this needs is the deferred stuff, no need for data or other stuff.
    • rename nodata: to nobtn: Decided not to land this in v1.6 will land later
  • dont tie fhr to btn from start. fhr is ONLY needed for auth function, it should tie it in here, and destroy it here, and if not yet destroyed it should set up the btn close to handle this destroy (just push to its unloaders OR just test if it has a FHR then destroy it) Decided not to land this in v1.6 will land later
  • detect errors and handle on api
    • especially dropbox upload getting 400 and data.object of failed to connect to db, retry on that without user inform
    • initial not-logged-in on imgur, navigate to imgur then let it load, then try again, if still, then prompt user
  • trash icon for trashing, delete icon for deleting
  • connect buttons up for user interaction/progress-updates
  • While a oauth flow is pending, it should block all other requests to that same oauth flow (from other buttons). It should set those buttons to the same state. Decided not to land this in v1.6 will land later
  • If uploaded to multi accounts. If on options.xhtml and hit delete, it should auth that acct. But NOT pick it. Picking should still be offered to user from a btn if they havent picked yet.
  • work to get screenname and uid for all routes of oauth



  • Redo canvas editor per these tutorials:
  • The editor should be a cross of LightShot, Nimbus, and Easy Screenshot editors
    • Each object drawn, should be re-selectable and modified by any new settings applied from the toolbar.
      • Clicking on an object brings it to the front most of any other objects.
  • Tools
    • Marker
    • Color - eyedropper
    • Color Transparency
    • Line Thickness (affects marker and shape borders)
    • Shadow - size/distance/color/transparency
    • Line - arrow on start/arrow on end/arrow
    • Shape - square/rounded square/circle/fill color+transparency [the picker for fill color+transparency shoul be same as color from above, it should also offer eyedropper)
    • Blur - gausian/mosaic
    • Numbering Objects - Click an unnumbered object to give it a number; Click a numbered object to remove the number; The numbering is recounted on each change
    • Undo - all
    • Redo
    • Feature Size - enlarge/small (affects toolbar, and resize drop points, maybe not the selection stroke border but think about it)
      • allow selection border to go to 0, as otherwise it interferes with zoom view, at 0 show no resize drop points, but invisibly they can still do it at min of 6
  • Fix quirk on Microsoft Windows, if the user is using a non-default DPI setting, the editor is blurry. (there is no blurriness on the image after processing though so dont worry, the blur is only on the editor)
  • Tie ocr to notification bar


  • fix 1.8 bugs (change button, & close, fx 49 beuatify)
  • make webprogress listener abort request on localhost load for oauth page
  • fully react app dashboard
  • install CommAPI
  • localize everything and bring bablezilla up to date, start inviting contributors to localize
  • Async XHR in workers
  • Switch to Screencastify action system, so this should eliminate the need for stores on bootstrap and worker side
  • Try to move FHRFramescript into windowless browser or hidden frame


  • add in element send backwards, forwards, backmost, frontmost hotkeys
    • add in right click context menu to canvas editor - postponed to future
  • cut from background tool
  • Share to facebook support
  • Sliphover ontop of the option box when have a list of options to pick from or API calls to show status of operations
    • Options to pick which folder on imgur/dropbox/gdrive the file is uploaded into
    • Option to pick Tesseract default language
  • On the ocr.xhtml page, for tesseract, offer drop down to reprocess with a different language
  • On main.xhtml when click delete it should show another sliphover on top of it to show the status


  • On options.xhtml the text of quick save folder should be made to fit if too long, do not ellipses though so user can highlight and copy (it has the proper format from sup to span so user can highlight copy and paste to jump to that directory)
  • Filter main.xhtml images by date
  • when save-browse and do replace, on addEntryToLog I should replace the entry IF a pervious entry exists for it
  • if a window that has the FHR is closed, handle this
  • if on autoretry, resume has to come into like meta. then handle this. right now i put this to low priority, because if it fails it will fail on img insert. and meta is called after img insert.
  • Bring old twitter notification system to the new attn bar system
  • If anything is bad in the bar, make the bar red, if not then make it gray. if anything pending, make it yellow.
  • Complete the localzation, v1.6 had so much new stuff, I didn't keep up with the localization
  • Twitter is currently listening on as well, when I hook it up to new attn bar module I should diffrentiate that
  • Introduced with v1.6, if go save browse, the attn bar for "Saving" is shown, but if cancel its not undone
  • Android support, I am very close and if anyone knows JNI and would like to help I would really appreciate it, here is my work so far:
  • Fix the quirks on Linux where the special UI (Dock/Taskbar) is in front of the canvas editor, seeming like you cant select in that portion, however you can, clicking there will not click the taskbar.
  • Fix quirk on Mac OS X when it slides over after delayed screenshot and you focused another app that is fullscreen.
  • Option to show/hide cursor in the screenshot
  • Switch up all X11 to XCB so it's thread safe for sure (right now i dont know why but x11 calls are not crashing it, i heard maybe its possible to do gfx related work from x11 on another thrad, but dont count it - just go xcb its for sure thread safe)
  • on hover of buttons in notification, show image preivew
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