Thanks go out to Racing Tadpole for this post which helped me immensely in figuring out deploying on Webfaction.
These instructions update the process with meteor build <app>
(mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.0.7 is the version I used per Webfaction support)
Use your version for all commands where appropriate.
Setup Mongodb as per instructions on Webfaction
In an SSH session: Run mongod as daemon using Fork (
In another SSH session:
$HOME/webapps/mongodb_app_name/mongodb_version/bin/mongo localhost:mongo_port/admin
Create a user with at least ReadWrite on a new db for your app Don't use admin db as suggested elsewhere. See mongodb documention, but basically it is
use db_name
db.create({user: "user_name", pwd: "password, roles: [ { role: "roleName", db: "dbName" }]})
Upgrade Node.js to Meteor currently supported version per instructions on Webfaction
meteor build <app>
in your Meteor app's folder then upload the result tar file to $HOME/webapps/meteor_application_name
open an SSH session to Webfaction then
cd $HOME/webapps/meteor_application_name
tar -xzf meteor_application_name.tar.gz
that you uploaded
cd bundle
(cd programs/server && npm install)
Edit the included start and stop files in this repo replacing the app_names, ports, user_name, password and your_app_url with your own. This was the hardest part to get working, so enjoy!
Replace your $HOME/webapps/meteor_app_name/bin
start and stop files with your edited versions.
From a new SSH session:
cd $HOME/webapps/meteor_app_name