Code Repository for Neural networks embrace diversity paper
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python Source/ --activation=<base activation to be modified> --n_activations=<number of activation functions to learn>
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--use_gpu To GPU or not to GPU
--gpu_no GPU_NO Which GPU to use ?
--data_path DATA_PATH
Path to data
--output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
Path to output folder
--inner_batch_size INNER_BATCH_SIZE
Batch size for classifier
--outer_batch_size OUTER_BATCH_SIZE
Batch size for activation function
--epochs EPOCHS Number of epochs in inner loop
--steps STEPS Number of steps in outer loop
--inner_lr INNER_LR Learning rate for classifier
--outer_lr OUTER_LR Learning rate for activation function
--inner_mu INNER_MU SGD momentum for classifier
--outer_mu OUTER_MU RMSprop momentum for activation function
--inner_hidden_size INNER_HIDDEN_SIZE
Hidden Layer size for classifier
--outer_hidden_size OUTER_HIDDEN_SIZE
Hidden Layer size for activation function
--verbose Verbose output
--seed SEED fixed seed for reproducibility
--runs RUNS No. of runs to repeat the experiment
--activation ACTIVATION
Select base activation function to be modified. Choose from elu, sin, tanh
--n_activations N_ACTIVATIONS
No. of activation functions to be used in classifier
python Source/ --act_path_=<path to learned activation text file> --validation_mode=<activation function(s) to use>
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--use_gpu To GPU or not to GPU
--gpu_no GPU_NO Which GPU to use ?
--data_path DATA_PATH
Path to data
--verbose Verbose output
--seed SEED fixed seed for reproducibility
--runs RUNS No. of runs to repeat the experiment
--inner_batch_size INNER_BATCH_SIZE
Batch size for classifier
--epochs EPOCHS Number of epochs
--dataset DATASET Select dataset from MNIST1D, MNIST, CIFAR
--validation_mode VALIDATION_MODE
select validation mode as activation number in file or false for all
--act_path ACT_PATH Give path to activation function for validation
--save_curve saves model training curve
--save_model saves model state dict
python Hessian_analysis/ ---model_path=<path to pytorch model> --act_path<path to activation function file for interpolant activation>
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model_path MODEL_PATH
path to model for collecting hessian
--act_path ACT_PATH path to activation array for interpolation
Anshul Choudhary, Anil Radhakrishnan, John F. Lindner, Sudeshna Sinha, and William L. Ditto
- We construct neural networks with learnable activation functions and sere that they quickly diversify from each other under training.
- These activations subsequently outperform their pure counterparts on classification tasks.
- The neuronal sub-networks instantiate the neurons and meta-learning adjusts their weights and biases to find efficient spanning sets of nonlinear activations.
- These improved neural networks provide quantitative examples of the emergence of diversity and insight into its advantages.