- The dataset consists of more than one image; each image has a different hand sign.
- The user takes a picture of the hand to be tested either through the real-time orloaded image.
- The image is converted into grayscale
- Enhancement image using Filters technique (Smoothing filter, sharping filter, smooth then sharp, sharp then smoothed, other)
- Convert the grayscale image into a binary image.
- Apply the following filter (Sobel, Prewitt, and canny), and which one is better?
- How did canny thin the edge?
- How canny edgy detectors remove unimportant edges or weak edges.
• gaussianMask( parameters: Size of the mask, Sigma = 1) and return the mask
• convolute (parameters: image, filter) and return the result of convoluting the filter
• sobel(parameters: image) and return the image containing the edge
• Prewitt (parameters: image) and return the image edge
• non-maxima suppression (parameter: Image, angels) and return the resulting image
• double threshold(parameter: Image) and return result image
• Edge Linking(parameter: Image) and return result image contain the edge
• Canny (parameters: image) and return the edge
• Should contain lower and higher threshold values as data members to manipulate it and assume that filter size for all edge detectors is 3x3