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Packaging License within the nupkg
- Status: Implemeneted
- Author(s): Karan Nandwani (@karann9)
This page is the technical specification for the feature. Documentation on using the feature is on docs.microsoft.com/nuget. We recommend packing using our MSBuild pack target (dotnet pack
or msbuild -t:pack
). The nuspec
reference has documentation on the licence element, for customers still using a nuspec
The work for this feature and the discussion around the License specific spec is tracked by Package trust - Licenses #4628
- New nuspec property
<license type="expression | file" />
- Is an SPDX license identifier or expression. E.g.
<license type="expression">Apache-2.0</license>
- Or is a path to a license file. E.g.
<license type="file">LICENSE.txt</license>
- Supported formats - md, txt
- the user will need to ensure the license file is packed by adding a files elemenet. E.g.
<file src="licenses\LICENSE.txt" target="" />
- nuget spec will add license instead of licentUrl
<!-- e.g. <license type="MIT"/> or <license src="license.txt"/>. Note - you cannot specify both type and source. Learn more at https://aka.ms/nugetPackageLicense-->
<license type=""/>
- Is an SPDX license identifier or expression. E.g.
- Browse from NuGet.org
- During the package ingestion, nuget.org will extract and store the SPDX expression at the package version level.
- VS 2017 and above / NuGet.org - this information will be surfaced as "LGPL-2.1-only or MIT"
- VS 2015 and older - this information will continue to be a URL. If it is a single identifier, the URL points directly to the SPDX license text. If it is a license expression, the URL points to a NuGet.org page that surfaces the information as "LGPL-2.1-only or MIT"
- Clicking on the license in VS opens the link in the browser.
- (engineering call if we need a change to the protocol or if the client can parse the URL to surface this information accurately)
- For existing packages, continue to serve license url from the nuspec, as we do today (nuget.org will stop accepting new packages with licenseurl, explained further in the roll-out plan)
- Installed packages/folder based feeds/fallback folder
- VS 2017 and above
- Client will read the SPDX expression from the nuspec and this information will be surfaced as "LGPL-2.1-only or MIT".
- For existing packages, fall back to displaying license URL the way we do today
- VS 2015 and older
- At pack time, we will insert a license URL in the nuspec which will point to https://aka.ms/deprecateLicenseUrl (validations in place to ensure no other url can be used). Pack will provide an info message that this is being done to maintain compat. The docs will explain to the user why they ended up on that page and what can they do figure out the package license which is essentially navigating to the nuget.org package details page.
- Stretch goal (out of scope for v1) - the client knows how to generate a URL that NuGet.org serves for the browse scenario and populate PackageLicenseUrl with that url.
- For existing package, no change in behavior
- VS 2017 and above
- Browse from NuGet.org
- During the package ingestion, nuget.org will extract the license and host it on nuget.org. For search, registration metadata, and v2 API (basically any service that customers hit where we expose the license URL), the license URL would be replaced with URL to the gallery hosted license.
- Clicking on the license link on the package details page navigates to the nuget.org hosted license page for that package version https://www.nuget.org/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/11.0.2/license
- Stretch goal (out of scope for v1) - Attempt to parse the license file to determine license type and expose that information on nuget.org and in the API. If the file contains a license that can be replaced with an SPDX identifier, surface that information to the author.
- Installed packages/folder based feeds/fallback folder
- VS 2017 and above
- Client will provide a link to open the license file from the nupkg/global packages folder/extracted location
- Clicking on the link will open the file in the default application associated with that extension
- For existing packages, fall back to displaying license URL the way we do today
- VS 2015 and older - same as what we do in case of SPDX identifier or expression
- VS 2017 and above
License URL
will be removed from project properties andPackageLicenseUrl
will be removed from the project file. - Project properties will have
License type
(free text field that can take an SPDX expression) andLicense file
(free text field that can take a path to the license file on disk relative to the project file) <PackageLicenseExpression>Apache-2.0</PackageLicenseExpression>
- License file
<None Include="licenses\LICENSE.txt" Pack="true" PackagePath="LICENSE.txt"/>
- pack means
nuget pack
- push means
nuget push
- upload means https://www.nuget.org/packages/manage/upload
- license is null or contains default value -> warn on pack, push, upload.
- licenseUrl is present and licenseUrl <> https://aka.ms/deprecateLicenseUrl (or client generated url to nuget.org as part of the stretch goal) -> error on pack, push, upload.
- Copyright field is null and license uses an SPDX identifier -> warn on pack, push, upload.
- when licenseUrl is added for the user -> info on pack
Disjunctive OR Operator
nuspec VS / nuget.org <license type="expression">LGPL-2.1 OR MIT</license>
LGPL-2.1-only or MIT -
Conjunctive AND Operator
nuspec VS / nuget.org <license type="expression">LGPL-2.1 AND MIT</license>
LGPL-2.1-only and MIT -
Exception WITH Operator
nuspec VS / nuget.org <license type="expression">GPL-2.0+ WITH Bison-exception-2.2</license>
GPL-2.0+ w/ Bison-exception-2.2 -
Combining multiple operators with parenthesis
nuspec VS / nuget.org <license type="expression">LGPL-2.1-only OR (GPL-2.0+ WITH Bison-exception-2.2 AND MIT</license>
LGPL-2.1-only or (GPL-2.0+ w/ Bison-exception-2.2 and MIT)
Check out the proposals in the accepted
& proposed
folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.