Project Type: Search Engine
Title: News seacrh engine
Nupur Roy Chowdhury, [email protected]
Mahesh Sercat Ramakumar, [email protected]
Rohith Lakshminarayana, [email protected]
Manisha Uttam Nandawadekar, [email protected]
Information_retrieval 1. Documents a. file b. Group4_nr572_rl669_mun24_ms4976.pdf file c. Group4_nr572_rl669_mun24_ms4976_Presentation d. INFO 624 – Final Project Documentation - Group4_nr572_rl669_mun24_ms4976 2. Jupyter notebooks a. Data Collection and indexing b. Custom Similarites Comparision c. Evaluation 3. Flask application a. templates a.1 results.html b.1 search.html b. 4.
This folder contains the list of all the documents created for our project.
Abstract - contains both md and pdf file.
The presentation of our project.
The final project report.
This folder consists of all the Jupyter Notebooks which we have used for our project.
Data Collection and indexing
Custom Similarites Comparision
JSON dump
This folder consists of the below:
Templates - This holds the html pages which we have created for our search engine.
- - python file which has the flask python code to run the search engine.
Go to the folder location where we have this file stored. (example) C:\Users\nupur_nsxs2zt\Documents\Information Retrival systems\Project\Group4_nr572_rl669_mun24_ms4976\project IR\Information_retrieval (2)\Information_retrieval>
Open the python file.
pip install elasticsearch
pip install flask
pip install request
python - when we excute this command, it will be giving the 'URL': * Running on http://localhost:8000/. When we click on this 'URL' it will take us to the search engine which is hosted on this url.