A simple set of third-party service implementations for determining a geographical location using an IP address.
This library is based on the screencasts of the knowledge base Deworker.pro
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer
composer require nuthouse-cis/ip-location
Or add to your composer.json
"require": {
"nuthouse-cis/ip-location": "*"
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
/** @var $locator \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locator */
$ip = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Ip('');
$location = $locator->locate($ip);
if ($location
&& ($location->getCountry()->getIsoAlpha2() === 'US'
|| $location->getCountry()->getIsoAlpha3() === 'USA'
|| $location->getCountry()->getName() === 'United States')
) {
// Do some stuff
Also placed JSON decorator:
/** @var $location \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Location\Location */
$decorator = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Decorators\LocationJsonDecorator($location);
print json_encode($decorator);
This locator using PSR-16 Simple Cache interface for caching result of another implementation
of \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locator
* @var $simpleCacheIterface \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface
* @var $adapter \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locator
$locator = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locators\CacheLocator(
10 * 60,
Mute locator catch all Exceptions
and use implementation of \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Handlers\ErrorHandler
to handle
$errorHandler = new class implements \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Handlers\ErrorHandler {
public function handle(Exception $exception): void
// Do some stuff with exception
* @var $adapter \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locator
$locator = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locators\MuteLocator(
Also, you can use \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Handlers\PsrLogErrorHandler
* @var $logger \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
$errorHandler = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Handlers\PsrLogErrorHandler(
Chain locator returns the most complete result from all passed implementations of \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locator
* @var $adapters \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locator[]
$locator = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locators\ChainLocator(
IP Geolocation API Documentation
* @var $client \Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface
* @var $requestFactory \Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface
* @var $apiKey string API Key from your dashboard https://app.ipgeolocation.io/
* @var $lang string [en, de, ru, ja, fr, cn, es, cs, it]
* @var $fields null|string[] required fields. Default: ['geo'] - minimum sufficient set of fields
* @var $excludes null|string[] excluded fields
* @var $baseUrl string default: https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo
* @link https://ipgeolocation.io/documentation/ip-geolocation-api.html
$locator = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locators\IpGeoLocationIo\IpGeoLocationIoAdapter(
$location = $locator->locate(new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Ip(''));
* @var $filePath string path to SypexGeo database file
* @see https://sypexgeo.net/ru/download/
$sxGeo = new \NuthouseCIS\SxGeo\SxGeo(
\NuthouseCIS\SxGeo\SxGeo::SXGEO_BATCH | \NuthouseCIS\SxGeo\SxGeo::SXGEO_MEMORY
$locator = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locators\SypexGeo\SypexGeoAdapter($sxGeo);
$location = $locator->locate(new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Ip(''));
SypexGeo REST API Documentation
* @var $client \Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface
* @var $requestFactory \Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface
* @var $apiKey null|string API Key [Default: null - free plan]
* @var $server string endpoint domain [Default: api.sypexgeo.net]
* @see \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locators\SypexGeo\ApiServer
* @link https://ipgeolocation.io/documentation/ip-geolocation-api.html
$locator = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locators\SypexGeo\SypexGeoApiAdapter(
$location = $locator->locate(new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Ip(''));
* @var $filePath string path to IP2Location database file
* @link https://www.ip2location.com/database/ip2location
* @link https://lite.ip2location.com/database/ip-country
$db = new \IP2Location\Database($filePath);
* @var $fields int[] Fields to return
* @var $requiredFields int[] Required fields. Throws exception, if field empty or not supported
* If null, copy values from $fields param
$locator = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locators\Ip2Location\Ip2LocationAdapter(
$location = $locator->locate(new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Ip(''));
* @var $client \Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface
* @var $requestFactory \Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface
* @var $apiKey string API Key [Default: null - free plan]
* @var $lang string
* @var $package string Web service package of different granularity of return information.
* Available values: [WS1, ..., WS24]
* @var $addons string[] Extra information in addition to the above selected package.
* Valid value: continent,country,region,city,geotargeting,country_groupings,time_zone_info
* @var $baseUrl string Endpoint for API [Default: https://api.ip2location.com/v2/]
* @link https://ipgeolocation.io/documentation/ip-geolocation-api.html
$locator = new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Locators\Ip2Location\Ip2LocationApiAdapter(
$location = $locator->locate(new \NuthouseCIS\IPLocation\Ip(''));
# Unit tests:
composer run-script test
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
# Code style:
composer run-script phpcs
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml
# Static analysis tool (Psalm):
composer run-script psalm
# or
$ vendor/bin/psalm --config=psalm.xml