This ez_toml library is a small library to read and write files in TOML format. Compared to the toml library, it supports more features (mixed arrays for example), fixes a few bugs in the printer, and keeps better track of options order and comments in file.
- Website:
- General Documentation:
- API Documentation:
- Sources:
You will need to open Ez_toml.V1
, then you have access to:
submodule: contains all the interesting functionsTOML.Types
submodule: contains all the type declarations
Usually, you should open TOML.Types
and use qualified names to access
functions in TOML
To use the following script, just rename it as
in the source
directory of ez_toml
, start ocaml
and type #use "";;
#directory "_opam/lib/ocplib_stuff";;
#directory "_opam/lib/ISO8601";;
#directory "_opam/lib/re";;
#directory "_opam/lib/re/glob";;
#directory "_opam/lib/ez_file";;
#directory "_build/install/default/lib/ez_toml";;
(* #directory "_build/default/src/ez_toml";; *)
#load "unix.cma";;
#load "ocplib_stuff.cma";;
#load "ISO8601.cma";;
#load "re.cma";;
#load "re_glob.cma";;
#load "ez_file.cma";;
#load "ez_toml.cma";;
open Ez_toml.V1
open TOML.Types
(* Look up a deeply nested value with a known type. *)
let t = TOML.of_string "
crash_randomly = true
" ;;
val t : Ez_toml.V1.TOML.Types.node =
{node_comment_before = []; node_comment_after = None;
node_loc =
{file = ""; line_begin = 2; line_end = 5; char_begin = 0; char_end = 0};
node_format = Any; node_pos = 1; node_value = Table <abstr>;
node_name = ["???"]}
(* Look up a deeply nested value with a known type. *)
let crash_randomly =
TOML.get t ["settings"; "basic"; "crash_randomly"]
|> TOML.extract_bool
(* val crash_randomly : bool = true *)
(* Update a deeply nested value. *)
(* This would fail because the key already exists:
let () =
TOML.set t ["settings"; "basic"; "crash_randomly"] ( 0)
raises exception 4, Ez_toml.Types.Key_already_exists ["crash_randomly"] *)
(* so, We need to silent overriding errors *)
let config = { TOML.default_config with
silent_errors =
EzCompat.IntSet.add 4 TOML.default_config.silent_errors }
let () =
TOML.set ~config t ["settings"; "basic"; "crash_randomly"]
~value:( 0)
(* Print it back to a string *)
let s = TOML.to_string t
(* val s : string = "\n[settings.basic]\ncrash_randomly = 0\n" *)
Check file src/toml-check/
for another example of simple
accesses and modifications of the TOML datastructure.