There are two primary capabilities of the INFLO system; Dynamic Speed Harmonization (SPD-HARM)and Queue Warning (Q-WARN). Detailed descriptions of both can be found in the INFLO ConceptDevelopment and Needs Identification and the Report on Detailed Requirements for the INFLO Prototype documents. Below are brief descriptions of each application. Speed Harmonization
Speed harmonization of traffic flows in response to downstream congestion, incidents, and weather or road conditions can greatly help to maximize traffic throughput and reduce crashes. Research and experimental evidence have consistently demonstrated that by that reducing speed variability among vehicles, especially in near-onset flow breakdown conditions, traffic throughput is improved, flow breakdown formation is delayed or even eliminated, and collisions and severity of collisions are reduced.
The INFLO SPD-HARM application concept aims to realize these benefits by utilizing connected vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication to detect the precipitating roadway or congestion conditions that might necessitate speed harmonization, to generate the appropriate response plans and speed recommendation strategies for upstream traffic, and to broadcast such recommendations to the affected vehicles.
Queue Warning
Queuing conditions present significant safety concerns, particularly with the increased potential for rear-end collisions. They also present disruptions to traffic throughput by introducing shockwaves into the upstream traffic flow. The INFLO Q-WARN application concept aims to minimize the occurrence and impact of traffic queues by utilizing connected vehicle technologies, including V2I and V2V communications, to enable vehicles within the queue event to automatically broadcast their queued status information (e.g., rapid deceleration, disabled status, lane location) to nearby upstream vehicles and to infrastructure-based central entities (such as the TMC) in order to minimize or prevent rear-end or other secondary collisions.
Version Number: v1.0
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Meenakshy Vasudevan of Noblis