Releases: OasisLMF/ODS_OpenExposureData
Release 4.0.0
Release notes
OED v4.0.0 is the first version which brings together the data standards for multiple exposure classes; property, cyber, liability and marine cargo, into a single integrated specification. The set of fields supported for each class are different and allow for different required field status to be flexible enough to serve a wide range of use cases. Wherever fields are common across classes they share identical descriptions, data types, default values and conditionally required 'CR' codes.
The files and structure of the Open Exposure Data repository have also been changed since OED v3. The 'source of truth' of the specification has been moved from excel to csv, to enable better version control and transparency of changes in github. The excel specification has been retained but is generated from the underlying csv's with each release, and accessible directly from the README in the home directory, for the convenience of users.
More details of changes in the specification, documentation and data examples are summarized in the following issues.
- Repo restructure and tidy up #207
- [Specification] Formally assign ids to coverages in OED specification #194
- [Specification] Introduce required field column by exposure class #201
- [Specification] Industry Codes table refactor #196
- [Specification] Update how the OED specification is stored, move from excel to csv #192
- [Specification] Update OED data examples for v4.0.0 #205
- [Specification] Update general documentation for Cyber and Liability #206
Changes that affect property and reinsurance are listed below.
- [Property] Correct AreaCode for Queensland to QLD #193
- [Property] LocPopNumber no longer needed after merge with property loc file #185
- [Property] OED fields update for offshore assets modelling #191
- [Property] Clarify relationship between "required field" and "blanks allowed" in OED Spec #181
- [Property, Cyber] BIWaitingPeriod change datatype from smallint to float #186
- [Property] OriginalCurrency field should not default to 0 #187
- [Property] Many fields incorrectly described as percentage instead of proportion #224
- [Property] Clarify value in BITIV as annualised in field description #216
- [Property] Valid values for BaseFloodElevation are incorrect #225
- [Reinsurance] OriginalCurrency and RateOfExchange fields should not be in ReinsScope file #162
Cyber and Liability
The OED v4 version of the cyber and liability specifications follow directly on from the respective v1.0.0 versions. The changes are substantial, with many fields being renamed in order to align with existing property fields that have equivalent meaning, the financial fields have been revised and many optional fields have been added for consistency of data storage across exposure classes. More details can be found within the following issues.
- [Cyber] Do not include implicit business logic in the schema design #173
- [Cyber, Liability] Integration of Cyber and Liability into Property specification #182
- [Cyber, Liability] Financial coverages and field name revisions #188
- [Property, Cyber] BIWaitingPeriod change datatype from smallint to float #186
- [Cyber] Refactoring of coverage_code and coverage financial terms #215
Marine Cargo
OED v4.0.0 for Marine Cargo is the first version of the specification for this exposure class and should be considered work in progress. It is has been added as a separate exposure class with a minimal set of fields rather than integrated into property because it is expected that there will be a lot more improvements to be made which can be made as future minor updates (additions) that will not impact the other classes.
Release 3.4.1
- (#220) - Fixed group Peril codes, ZZ1 is not represented in the group peril to individual peril mappings
Release 3.4.0
- [Property] Correct Data Type of SoilType from float to tinyint and valid values from [0,) to [0,1]
- [Reinsurance] RiskLevel blank value explicitly added to the v3.0.0 specification
- [Property] ContentsFloodVuln updates introduced in v3.0.0
- [Specification] Add csvs of OED specification data tables
Release 3.3.0
Release 3.2.0
OED 3.2.0 minor changes
#74 - Geom field usage and updated description, removed enumeration from OtherValues
#40 - Added missing occupant fields
#174 - New GeogScheme FTM1
#175 - Wind peril codes description update
#176 - Added 'OT' AreaCode for Australia
#100 - Valid value and description updates for ExtraExpensesFactor, DebrisRemoval and NumberOfBuildings
Release 3.1.0
- (#129) - Occupancy is only property oriented (can we include motor?)
- (#153) - Add INSEE Code as a valid GeogScheme value
- (#160) - RI Scope Required Fields to be updated
- (#161) - Additional OccupancyCode values for commercial low/mid/high-rise blocks
- (#165) - Additional Occupancy code values for Commercial Banks and financial institutions
- (#171) - Updated policy conditions documentation
- (#170) - Small data field valid value corrections
- (OasisLMF/ODS_Tools#64) - Backward compatibility when adding new codes in OED. A new 'versioning' tab has been added to the OED Spec .xlsx to show mapping of occupany and contruction codes between older versions of OED
Release 3.0.4
Release 3.0.3
Release 3.0.2
Release 3.0.1
Changelog - 3.0.0
- Added GitHub Issue template
- Update to ods-tools package to fix single file oed validation