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Erik van Sebille edited this page Dec 20, 2024 · 18 revisions

Within the OceanParcels group we have made some datasets available on LORENZ and GEMINI to use as input for Parcels simulations. Here they are listed with a brief description. For more detailed metadata, follow the links to the respective metadata pages.

If you use a dataset, please add yourself to the "users" section in the page for the dataset. When making changes to any of the datasets, make sure that the metadata is up to date.

To add new datasets, see the section on adding new datasets.

If you're on LORENZ, you can look at the readme in a folder to find the link to the metadata page for that dataset. You can also do cd /storage/shared/oceanparcels/input_data/ and find -L . -maxdepth 3 -name README.txt | xargs -I{} sh -c 'echo "{}: $(cat {})"' to get a list of all datasets with their metadata links.

Velocity data

Other Ocean Fields

UNCATEGORIZED (please fill metadata and categorize)


Adding new datasets

To add a new dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page with a suitable title, and fill out the template below. If a field isn't relevant or is unknown, you can put - or ? respectively. Feel free to add additional information below as needed.
<!-- 1 sentence summary -->

- **Location on lorenz**: /path/on/lorenz/ <!-- output from `pwd` -->
- **Simulation**: -
- **Region**: Global
- **Period**: YYYY - YYYY
- **Frequency**: x hours
- **Variables**: 'eastward_eulerian_current_velocity', 'northward_eulerian_current_velocity'
- **Vertical levels**: Surface
- **Grid**: x degree
- **Source**: ''
- **DOI**: ''
- **Documentation**: ''
- **Used by (name and/or repo)**: John Doe (in, Jane Doe
- **Has Parcels modulefile (in Lorenz folder)**: Yes/No
- **Links**: 

<!-- You can add free form notes here if you need. e.g., instructions on how to download (a script etc). -->

<!-- See for more info -->
  1. Add the new dataset to the list above, linking to the new page.
  2. Add a README.txt file in new dataset folders on Gemini and Lorenz. This README on the servers should only contain the link to the newly created wiki page. This is important to ensure that information stays up-to-date, and all information is centralised in one place.
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