Sport is getting more and more popular today. But it is still hard to plan your training useful and right with taking into account the technique of correct execution of exercises and their consistency.
FitForYOU - this is a service that allows you to perform your sports training from the beginning to the end with taking into account your endurance and goals.
- List of effective exercises (see a list of all possible exercises with yoga, aerobics and strength exercises)
- Adjust the difficulty level
- Calculation of calories per day
- Time reminder workout
- Activity calendar
- Execute complete daily workout
As usual, you get started by cloning the project to your local machine:
$ git clone
- Android SDK 27
- Android Build Tools v27.0.3
- Android Support Repository
This sample uses the Gradle build system. To build this project, use the "gradlew build" command or use "Import Project" in Android Studio.
Development environment for this android application is Android Studio
This project use the following libraries
- AppCompat v7
- Recycler View v7
- CardView v7
- Material Calendar
- SQLiteAssetHelper
Used tools
- Android Studio - for develop app
- SQLite - for save settings
Get started with the program FitForYOU. The initial application window:
List of yoga exercises. Execution:
Perform a complete daily workout of 15 exercises:
Alarm for workout and activity calendar:
- Olena Andrushchakevych - [email protected]