is a trampoline that forwards an objc message to a different selector.
is available through CocoaPods, to install
it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "imp_implementationForwardingToSelector"
is a custom trampoline (you can read about trampolines here) which can forward any objc message to a new selector.
IMP imp_implementationForwardingToSelector(SEL forwardingSelector, BOOL returnsAStructValue);
Here is an example
IMP forwardingImplementation = imp_implementationForwardingToSelector(@selector(setCenter:), NO);
class_addMethod([UIView class], @selector(thisSetCenterDoesNotExistYet:), forwardingImplementation, typeEncoding);
and suddenly every instance of UIView
responds to -[UIView thisSetCenterDoesNotExistYet:]
and forwards this message to -[UIView setCenter:]
. If you would like some more information about trampolines and maybe a blog post like Writing custom trampolines for beginners and all the pitfalls
, hit me up on Twitter.
is written in raw assembly which is currently only available on i386, armv7, armv7s and arm64.
Oliver Letterer
imp_implementationForwardingToSelector is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.