is a package for pybullet that makes it easy to control the humanoid urdf model provided with pybullet using human poses. Currently, it supports pose format, output by voxelpose model.
This package depends on human_voxelpose_model which reads the poses output by voxelpose and estimate joint angles. It is not available on pip repositories yet, so you need to install it manually.
# human_voxelpose_model installation
cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd human_voxelpose_model/
python -m build
cd dist/
pip install human_voxelpose_model-<version>-py3-none-any.whl
# humanoid_bullet_control installation
cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd humanoid_bullet_control/
python -m build
cd dist/
pip install humanoid_bullet_control-<version>-py3-none-any.whl
python examples/ --config config/humanoid_controllers.yaml --data data/hammer.npy